"Drip ring ring ring ring ring ring..."
The moment the bell rang, a red light on a dressing table lit up.
A woman in her twenties——
I say Ms. because she was married and had her first child, but she still joined the industry.
Because her family needs money and her children also need money.
And it's far away from Gafra. No one will know that she is doing this job here, and she still has thick makeup on her face.
Even if her relatives stand in front of her, they may not be able to recognize that she is her!
She took a deep breath and left the dressing room wearing very sexy clothes.
Someone orders her, and she must provide a complete service so that the customer gets what he wants!
At first she was not used to it and was embarrassed, but as she became more proficient in the business and with the help of some selfless clients, she was able to handle most of the work.
She is even more proactive now than in the past, and sometimes discusses some of the techniques with other girls.
This doesn't mean she's a slut, or a woman with a kink, she just wants to get it over with as quickly as possible!
Rather than struggling slowly for dozens of minutes, she hopes that she can make the money she should make in five minutes. There is nothing shameful about this!
She followed the instructions and came to the room where she worked.
A man in his forties was sitting on the sofa. The dim light filled the room with a charming atmosphere...
Ten minutes later, she left the room with an indescribable expression on her face.
In ten minutes, she earned 120 yuan. Excluding the union dues, timed experience fees, venue usage fees, management fees, etc., about 80 yuan of the 120 yuan was hers. .
She talked to her husband on the phone. Her husband worked in Gafra for a month and was only paid 180 yuan in salary.
And here, she only needs one night to get far more than this number.
Sometimes she herself is confused and feels unreal.
She had endured hardships and even almost died last winter. During the most difficult time, they couldn't even get out five yuan and even thought of dying!
But now, five dollars means nothing to her.
She didn't know what was happening to the world, or what was happening to herself. She just numbly took out the money she should hand over, handed it to her agent, and then returned to the dressing table, waiting for the next red light to come on.
Almost all the girls have already started working after a short training.
The escort service has become the second largest profitable industry here, and Slem's largest local newspaper "Holiday Guide" has published a large amount of escort information.
About half of each issue is devoted to these ladies and their specialties.
The explicit content will make some decent people feel humiliated and dissatisfied with the "Holiday Guide" approach, but more people, especially men from all over the world, fall in love with them in the shortest possible time.
In fact, not only ladies from Gafra work here, but also ladies with excellent conditions from all over the world work here.
….There are many more job opportunities here than in their home countries, and they are also safer.
Lynch set many rules, including that the ladies must be certified to work and must undergo an experience every two weeks.
At the same time, there are people in various major places who protect the legitimate rights and interests of these ladies, such as refusing to accept some service requests that they are unwilling to accept, or refusing to serve sick guests.
This makes the entire industry look very orderly and formal, so much so that gangs from various countries and regions are also eyeing these cakes.
After all, for some people in areas with backward economic development, their local price may be a few dollars or a dozen dollars when converted into federal sol.
But these girls are not necessarily uglier than the girls here, on the contrary, those girls are younger and more beautiful!
So why not send them here to earn dozens or hundreds of fees?
For those gangs that control some slums and have control over hundreds of girls at every turn, if each person can generate one transaction every day, that is an income of tens of thousands!
This may be an income of one or two months over there, but here it is only an income of one day.
Organize a group of outstanding girls to register in Slem, and then you can make a lot of money.
This has almost become the consensus of gangs engaged in the skin and meat industry around the world, so countless girls and the gangs behind them are coming to Slem.
In fact, Lynch also encouraged them to do this, hoping that the gang could set up its own "brokerage company" so that many things could be separated from Slem's public resources.
At the same time, competition will make the entire industry develop more healthily. After all, this is also one of Slem's most attractive projects.
Fern had arrived at Slem in the morning, and Noel had his own things to do and was still keeping an eye on the Federation.
So it became Vern's job to establish a branch here.
In addition to himself, there is also his girlfriend.
"This is my girlfriend..." Fern had black-rimmed eyes and a short crew cut.
Squeaky clean, it makes him look more like a scholar than a gang leader.
And since he became obsessed with art, his temperament has also changed a lot, at least he is not as neurotic as before.
Art has given him a way to develop his talents. From a certain perspective, he is "healing."
"This is Mr. Lynch..." He introduced Lynch to his girlfriend.
It was the first time a female agent met Lynch at such a close distance. Even though everyone knew about their relationship, she was still deeply shocked when this scene came!
On one side are the young gangsters with the most unpredictable strength and the most terrifying fighting ability in the Federation, the Brothers Grimm.
This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!
浠栦 slide 氢呖涓€铓PUpu簲鞞Cha帀浜嗗竷寀╂仼浜濿ぇ瀹 rudder 棌镄勯鑴dramatic 纴嶅开浜么闾︿腑閮ㄥ湴鍖苄娲 drama annihilate鏂衣З搴忥咒
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鍙缍缍偩姱缃皟镆ュ眬鍍呴儴鍏锺锄锞╁ ammonia chain変 Simple Juan€涓Ruixuan嗭纴鍙鏋楀涓嶅埌锛屾牸Ammonia尰奥毯鎺ユ湹鍒版涔夌殑瀹″彽銆?/p>
鍗charge the study 浠栠 slip the Chen stubble 粺屾会浜啕嫴浜涙湁鍏charge簬镙 and 滠鍏勫绻尊 江鄄勮yu鎹纴镕緷啞у鐩奠镄啫厔寮熶What’s the best way to deal with the disease?/p>
What’s the point?/p>
姩鐢 姩鐢 ュ 殑鏀 殑鏀 殑鏀 殑鏀 璧 勬簮 勬簮 澶 嗭 嗭 纴 璁 愈 浜 敼鍙 篃鏄 屾槗 屾槗 屾槗 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 屾槗
The chain of the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty.厎簨鎯呬笂鎽旇笇瀛?/p>
涔熻镵旈偊镄偬皯浼楮鍧 hydrogenjunshud箟姘 Draft稨甛岃繛链撹偗瀹rudder棌杩欐艱鄄勫肖搒淺ぇ鐗╅兘鑑borrow 杩炴牴鎷懇Pounding?/p>
Huanyu 蹇 锛岄 埆 埆 埆 倱 镞忔 鍏堣 е е е е 夊厷 夊厷 簳 绾 绾 纴镓 纴镓 浠ヤ 氩 € € 掍笅 掍笅 掍笅 銆 掍笅?/P>
捡悛灉浠栦 slip涓嶉剅涔堢栐搐ヨ涜涜鏀gui潻鍜岃獨嬶纴浠ヨ呖浜庝笉灏翓簯﹀姩浜嘘瀹笹镄勬牳燇娨What is the sliding chain?/p>
What is the best way to solve the problem?/p>
濂Chong帰forge 樻尽浜啕竴涓嬶綴杩炲UM涓嬫剰璙宑鎶婃洇娨湪灁ゅ癙涓婃摝浜啕竴涓嬶纴铓嶅拰鏋楀鎻″湪涓€璧风纴'滃緢玶比瓑甛屾垜澶渿铯寄娄肖笲€?/p>
鈥沧垌娌℃兂鍒谡敄狄勮兘Naau丸埌勅纴Huan犵II 阆掳纴Huan銫€︹€︽槸洴戠殑管躺哚锛€?/p>
濂Chong帰forge濿〃鐜板缞寰徟宁格纴庘映濂囩煡阆揿ス鄄勮Han Xijie€?/p>
寮楁仼镊fanxuancun殑锛屼粬笇暜嚜宸Braid兘拭把濂 borrowed an umbrella浜涗簨鎯咃纴gallium€浠ユ滠曩婰粰浜堜 simply浠栫粷粵gui Change What?/p>
鍏淺疄灏卞哚濚迂worm帰 forge樿嚜宸煂璞$殑闾i牱锛屽ス锛屼mutual鍙婂ス鑳屽旗闾d簺浜Monkey纴鎯pet铯 Chong€掓縸铋楀厔寮熆/p>
铋楀钖潃濿 insect帰forge 殑鎭Huai Jian brand Huanxi 瑧浜卉鏉ワ纴’ Cang 垜钖 Huan犳槸掼悶炶 press chain殑锛屾垜浠ヤnegative鑹干湳瀹 Fall 兘浼氭湁涓€浜涒€︹€︹€?/p>
浠栭€悂悂愄勬槴寮€铓嬶綴阃氰氰嬮儴鄄勫皬锷ㄤ綔锷犳赜啕竴镣Si澧冿纴 滀綘鐭ラ死攛屼紭绉€镄勪Han Hao painted 槧南苋偛遄勩€囗€?/p>
浠樨 Disease Chain厎'軃偛鎱⑩€溴纴娕粬第罽〃殑殑锛屽NH鏄Umbrella 陙风殑鍐呭銆?/p>
掼炶 Pressure Chain殑宰€寰€鐪嬩笉璧Feng高阃hydrogenHan锛岃€屼笖杩氎氎浜浜湁涓€浜涚壒鍒殑鍦版nan锛岄偅灏秸 chain夋椂The chain is the same as the previous one./p>
尰埚锞跺€澾澓揋鍏锺焄焄村嚚鏄缁忕梾攛屼第浠墩杩簰霄狭粓鏋亰镙囨槸涓€簉嶆湰琐ㄤ笂鄄宮钖粋纴Key屼笉鏄噾阍 then€?/p>….闾d簺寮€洮嬭 copy姹傞噾阍bian殑鑹干湳瀹箹纴鍏跄箸猬粡涓嶈兘irritated熺ОHuan Cun negative 鑹灹瀹Duo Jian 銆?/p>
濂worm forged 樻湁飣飴灏殑绗戜 SIMPLE quilt 维纴鍏锄濂gui畻鏄偅陙风殑殑浜Monkey纴瀵gui偅戜涗笉nickel 邂杝涓充What?/p>
寮楁仼鑳 borrow钖 manuscript紩濂Gui殑Juanhun铡熷洜锛屽NH鏄ス浠庡紬鎭╄Han Juan婄湅隅係濂濂regulations卨娵嵍鄄勮兮pressed chainぉ璧嬶紴lvセg渚濋欬锷姏嫘歌turn over the mustard barrier 涓嶅匌鄄勮兮 press the chain珏鑳烇紒
Key 屽紬鎭╁垯鸸″湪浜嗛欬鍙o紴浠栫湅锌€濂worm鸰 forging radial pieces of water I'm tired of it阍ュ pet 锛屽崃椁愬嬠鴴戜 fine 锴炴齵銆偗€?/p>
Haojie 濂Guisei 鎯 Chongxiao 阆洴滠囧勋寮楁仼浼氲浠€涔嬬纴昘渶缁堣缮鏄Ε鍗忎畆?/p>
濂gui嬁璧 conferring the jian 阍ュpet 锛屾湁涜涙媴鹂殑鐪嬬潃寮楁仼锛岀姽pu简涓€涓嬶纴‘滃埆婩婄闄╃摑浜嫫叏锛屾垜浠濂界殑抆恗€?/p>
寮楁仼寰 Well 镣丝ご锛屸€ Cang斁鹇娨惂銆南€濓纴璇inch潃杩涘叆浜嗘姧邂婷锛屼粠Read岄鍏 filling 笂浜嗛欬銆?/p >
"What's wrong with you?"/p>
铋楀chain夌偣濂囨€殑鐪嬩 Jianjuan€鐐骬鬬鎭╋纴’滃綋鐒送湁鈥︹€︹€?/p>
浠栧揗鍦ㄤ简寮楁仼镄兮Han戸縴玶婃澂曄愰€掍睩囧哓锛屸€ﻀ笉鎯狰掴戣亰镵娄綘鄄勫枞华What's the point? /p>
锽槧簩戶瀵嗙爜璇峰ぇ瀹雹湘钘奿 Details(..)甽戠煶瀵噙爜chain€澶暬笇燇簊昃緷harass chain€湇€?/p >.
The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it