Blackstone Code


With the help of young people, other accomplices were quickly found.

What awaits these people will be very high years of imprisonment.

Being in jail in Nagaril is not a pleasant experience, unlike in the Federation.

Whether it is a public prison or a private prison in the federal government, as long as you have money, you can get as many services and enjoyments as possible.

But in Nagaril, there is none of this!

There is no forced labor in the prison here, and everyone will just hang out doing nothing all day long.

In the originally small playground, if someone wanted to relieve themselves, they would find a corner to relieve themselves.

It's not that they don't go to the toilet, it's that except for the toilet in the prison cell, there is no place for prisoners to clean themselves anywhere else!

After all, everyone has long been accustomed to defecation anywhere.

This also makes the sanitary environment in the prison very poor, and various infectious diseases are rampant.

Sometimes people died of illness, and the people in the prison took the dead people out and burned them, sprayed the room with disinfectant, or even just sprayed it with clean water before welcoming new residents.

Once you get sick, there is no medical protection. In the prison in Nagalir, it can be said that as long as you get sick, you are dead!

In addition, there are also very serious incidents of violence in the prison, because under the law of Nagaril, only one kind of people can be imprisoned, that is, the bottom class of society.

The upper echelons of Nagali society also uphold the traditional rules of paying for sins and suffering after death.

The federal government seems to have no intention of changing these things, calling these obvious bad habits "traditions that should be protected."

This thus kept the middle and upper classes of Nagali society away from jail, leaving only the lower classes at risk.

Those at the bottom of society who can enter here are often from factions that are completely opposite to Akumali's "not using violence as a way to appeal".

They believe that violence is the only way to change the status quo, so these people are dangerous.

Not only are they all thugs who are keen on violence, but they are also the most unfriendly group towards foreigners!

The only female member of the counterfeiting team asked to be extradited to the federation to face trial after her arrest, but the city hall told her that the federation respected the order of justice in Nagaril.

At the same time, this is also a special federal state, so her appeal was rejected!

You know, there is no special prison for women in Nagaril!

In short, these matters were handled very quickly. Someone was the first to betray, and no one else except their leader ran away.

As for whether they can survive in the prison in Nagalier and come out alive, that has nothing to do with Lynch or anyone else.

May God bless them...

Oh, no!

The light of God has not yet shined on this land. May the local gods bless these pagans.

If only it could be so generous!

In early September, with the end of summer vacation, the number of tourists everywhere began to decrease.

But Slem is the only exception. Not only did the number of tourists not decrease due to the summer vacation, but more tourists poured into the city!

The world's strongest in nine events!

Just such a gimmick is enough to attract countless people who have time and like gambling to gather here!

….Even some casino shareholders and investors rushed to sign up.

The registration fee is not expensive anyway, what if they can make it to the end?

What if?

Gambling is a game that relies heavily on luck. Mathematicians like to talk about probability, but luck cannot be completely expressed in mathematics.

Even if the probability is 1%, there is still a chance!

And the gambling dogs are so keen on gambling, isn't it just for the one percent probability? !

In short, the registration point is crowded with people every day, and the eyes of the world are focused here.

It was on such a day that Lynch was going back to the Federation.

He also has a lot of things to deal with on the federal side, not just the things left behind by Mr. Teleman, but also the wedding of the young president.

Before leaving, Catherine took leave and spent a whole day relaxing with Lynch. The next time they meet again, it will be at least the end of the year or next year.

The price of the all-night indulgence was that Lynch slept in the next morning and felt a little weak.

Lynch didn't ask Catherine to send him off when he went back. It was still a few hours' journey from Slem to the seaside.

After the Congressional conspiracy to control Slum collapsed, Catherine's "market" began to rise sharply.

Many people hope to maintain a good relationship with her even if they can't get anything from her.

For her, the upper limit of her future is already much higher than Ms. Tracy.

On Lynch's way back to the Federation, Marillo's little president was also preparing for his wedding.

In fact, he was still one year short of sixteen, but the Federation people said that he was already sixteen, so he had to be sixteen.

He, along with his mother, acknowledged that he was old enough for the Commonwealth to marry and allowed him to have contact with some girls, with the possibility of a future.

Sitting in front of the mirror, the young president looked at himself in the mirror. He had a very funny, very... weird feeling that I don't know how to describe.

He felt like a clown, like a dog, like a waste, but not like a human being!

His previous experiences made him mature quickly, and he is more mentally mature than his peers.

His grandfather and father both died at the hands of the Federation. This was the truth he knew.

But the federal people told him that his grandfather and his father died at the hands of those anti-government armed warlords!

If he doesn't remember things and isn't sensible, he will be cheating if he cheats, but he knows the truth.

At the same time, he must accept this and tell himself that this is the real truth!

It was not the first time that his wife, a seventeen-year-old girl, had a somewhat compulsive relationship with him where she took the lead.

Experienced, at least he could feel it.

His future wife somewhat looked down upon him, even though he was the future president of a country.

People around him looked down upon him more or less, even if he was the future president of a country.

浠栦豢Huan涜鏁紉釜涓栫晫掶涘 Pure Bang 嗭纴浠栨慂鍝纴鍙堜笉鏁㈠摥銆?/p>

锲犱negative鍝纴浠h〃锌€镊fan鍙兘鐭ラ死镆愪簺lvd簺浜欉鬉镒掎剰璁╄嚜箸典II阆涶殑鐪琪浉锛Shopping for rice dumplings镄勭洃玺тXī鍙Hua繭紒

….栠栧彧鑳 Mustard寜镦ц仈闾︿Hanxia簹簰栠栧仛鄄勯偅镕峰湓杯 Pan纴锴槸槓€涓湪 Pot讹纴鐜╁叿锛屼豜朜憜宁eh€?/p>

鈥滀綘鐪嬭pound鉉ユ湁涜涙啍嬬€囗€濴浠栫殑姣新汉绔椤湪浠栫殑韬悂攛屾寜镌€浠栫殑 inlay╄娨銆? /p>

鍏淺疄吩歌ji浜庡皬捤粺杩椤樉曢揇敇€鄄勫滉嶆仺涓庢媴鹇冿纴濂溂溢捄勬兂娉枞Fan缁忚捍捙simple Huancheng What?/p>

濂gui姧鎯蚜宸讑箛╁瓙缁х画骞镨镄嬬椿怌€锛岃呖浜庘€︹€﹀洖鍒 companion┈Read倀绥浠庤丈闾︽涓彇Qing Bing戈锷涗箣竫荤殑锛屽ス镞╁NH涓嶆姳濂㈡湜浜嗭紒

琚丈闾︿Han鎻h繘鍙hRead倀殑濿 borrow锛岃缮鎯碰浠栦 slide钖暬嚭鏉ワ绻

澶粬濡矚ぉ鐐綶 simply adze?/p>

鍙嶅€控槸搜板湪鍦ㄨ仈闾︾擓娲荤殑杩樼畻涓嶉把锛岃仈闾︽converged 搴滆〃闱㈠发滃仛鄄勫緢濢 Sister€?/p>

浠栦 slip 姅嶅瓙浜  锛屽彲鍏冮绾х殑寰呴亣锛屼篃鍙 Mutual Xuanxun槸搩戣锛屽彲杩椤緢瀹夊叏锛? /p>

闄や简濂肖 effect 瀛愯濞氁殑濑 Chong濂游笉澶枩娆箣澶栵纴鍏淄濂Si寰楥UMRead屽弽Key屾洿昃effect掎濂gui殑Ying╁瓙鐢熸椿抆?/p>


槁揿纴眭chain夊彲鑳 borrowed by stretch Juanan Jian澶癙鎴戝amine浼氭嚓涓红埗浜tier€南€ ?/p>


"What's going on?/p>

Lian Chong Han 鎽囦 Jian 鎽囧ご锛屸€滃叾瀰瓴寮€揮嬩粬閮 mustard disease chain夊憡璇夎tension掴戜粬鄄勮Han Xijin纴鴴戜 slip Hao鍞彚鏄嫘阃hydrogenhanlvf牱鍧犲珆鐖Bian渤銆囗€?/p>

鈥槧湁镞锛€欐果浠篃浼橩仛涓€浜涚扉镉悜殑浜嬫剏锛屾垜浠 Disease chain厎玠笂笄焄勮礋鎷嬬箣竫獤What's the point? /p>

鈥滃仛鴴洜洯滛逄勶纴灏秸鴴戜SLaw鄄勪竴鍒囷纴琴村匌 Chain変yard Jane Huan狅纴鴴戜 slipping 鄄勮Han浠 borrow彂鐢熸敼捙樷€︹ € ︹€?/p>

Lian Chong Han Yanfeng 叆浜嗗杩囧幓镄勬€€鹇indigo綋涓纴店娢鹇NH浠溡洴庴庇嗛噷秧秧翑獑笵銆?/p>

璇ュ楥镄勫ス宸猬粡鍝浜嗭纴濂姧崯 Chong hook闱欑殑杩囧畲嫔嫔颢熴€?/p>

鈥沧垜鐭ラ死Huan笲彲鑳borrow鐜 Board湪镄勬叏鍐荁湁璇 manuscript镄勪笉 Bit★纴麘槸鴴戜戜樌℃湁鍏Duo粬锷紴紶駆姗€?/ p>

鈥滃湪杩掎釜锲borrowRead勋纴鍦ㄨ umbrella涓笘鐣豼鬂雱彧彧铓╀笅鴴戜 slipper and 锛彲€?/p>

鈥槧垜鐭ラ死Huan犱笉锽槧闾d釜濿肖攛屼絾Huanma鄄庣槠锛屼綘鍜屽ス鄄勭粨閖埚彧鏄徳娌综合渶Beautiful and elegant /p>

鈥滀粬浠笉浼橩湪涔庝綘鄄笉鄄嚭杞纴鐢氲呖浼氲寰椾綘镄嫫暭枞ㄦ槸涓€浠躺ソ浜嬶纴铓€浠ヤ綘涓每敤鎷呭记涔熶笉黑€狠佽嚜皐c€嗗€?/p>….窏忔€鍤粺鐪嬬潃闀滃癌Read 瀮殑姣brandhan锛屽张骬嬩 Jane鐪嬭嚜hen毋纴 secretly inserted 嚭浜啕嫴涓笉鐐庝箞濂界湅镄勭瑧瀹縺紥槧垞鞞╁NH鏀fear pure Bang 嗕竴鍒囩殑骞paint兂銆南€?/p>

镵戈偊澶自澶т Jian锛屼篃璁恬粬chen茬粡杯氲洲锲炲匌椹噷缃楅ton鏂综合粲钀ュソ杩掎釜鲲borrow镄啫康澶戬€?/ p>

Huan噙number Nao嗛噷厶ラ死镄勯偅涙把邂huozhulud簺浜嬫叏锛岄兘璁╀粬娣综合镄勯櫡鍏ョ粷駅掅€?/p>

褰嵎濂ラ兘琚仈闾︿Han 铓撹撜嗭纴纴村庆綇村张禌峰张璀 borrow 怗鄄勯┈Read 倀绥銆?/p>

鎴栬锛岃forged Jinzhuhaobian 槧chain€濂界殑 Pot氭綶锛?/p>

描忔€鍤粺纺亨槨槨欴抠劧浼氭涓綅皯浜渴鏀跺匌闾€璇Crazy stretch 鏉ュ弬锷纺 umbrella鍦红洓澶х殑濠氱ぜ銆? /p >

The sentence is fine, the fine is fine, the fine is fine./p>





Huan Yan Hua Jian 嶏纴 Huan嗗镵戈偊鏉ヨ锛岃 umbrella鍏Chongchen Yue嶈銆?/p>

涓潓簁璁╅偅浜涜韩浠 borrow 皧璐电殑瀹 fear镒緷獒版把栠橩か濡囩殑瀵粬浠殑Read嶈锛屾卍浠ヤ thin chain変竴鮮ㄥ垞澾€璇峰嚱鏄捐欑殑锛岃呖灏戞槸浠栦 slippery bang Stubble Ma Jiangfear 敕镄€?/p>

珏忔€鍤粺综合翯镄快湪涓€寮犲张涓€寮犻 a璇峰嚱涓婄涓嬭嚜箮殑钖嶅瓧甛屾単chain夌殑浜Monkey纴浠栭兘juanjie 璇嗭璒


浠栨嬁璧bee Jian铓嬩腑镄勯勇峰嚱锛屾湁浜涙澶浵纴锲犱negative杩欐槸杩椤爢闾€Xuanfeng吱苺纴浠栧敕涓€鐭ラ死镄勪竴涓汉鈥斴?/p>


锽槧簩戶瀵嗙爜璇峰ぇ瀹雹湘钘奿 Details(..)甽戠煶瀵噙爜chain€澶暬笇燇簊昃緷harass chain€湇€?/p >.

The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it

Chapter 2171/3296
Blackstone CodeCh.2171/3296 [65.87%]