Blackstone Code


Blackstone Code 2083

Most people will feel cruel when watching humans and beasts fighting, at first.

But as time goes by, people will soon be able to feel a twisted sense of pleasure from the inside out.

This kind of pleasure is different from the pleasure obtained through ordinary actions. It is superior to other pleasures and is more similar to the pleasure that rulers have to control the fate of ordinary people!

Damage, blood, death!

People who were gradually getting excited stood up one after another. People in the entire arena stood up. They looked at the man and beast in the middle and said something loudly.

Pain and exhaustion have become fatal injuries to the hunters. They hope that the confrontation can last longer so that they can get more time to breathe.

Every second, physical strength is recovering rapidly, one more second...

The hands of the hunters holding the hunting knives were shaking. It was really too reluctant to use cold weapons, especially hunting knives, to hunt lions.

But the good news is that despite the attrition, the hunter's loss is currently only 20%, while the lion's loss has reached 33%.

The leader of the hunter team was panting heavily, breathing rapidly, which also caused saliva to accumulate white foam at the corners of his mouth.

He took a deep breath, "We have to have someone attract them to attack, and then another person will attack their vitals from behind."

"I know it's dangerous, but this is our chance to end the fight as quickly as possible."

"The longer we delay, the lower our chances of winning."

Before anyone else had time to think or react, the battle broke out again!

Lions recover faster than humans.

Their bodies have become increasingly adapted to high-intensity hunting in the wild through natural evolution, and even if they fail, they can quickly organize the next attack.

The two lions seemed to be eyeing the strongest one. Maybe they had an instinct-like intuition in their unintelligent heads. As long as they killed the strongest one, other humans would be afraid.

Just like they do with other prey, even the same kind!

In just two or three seconds, the lion pounced in front of the leader. The saliva in its open mouth became sticky due to the high-intensity exercise.

A strand of it hangs on each tooth.

Yellowed teeth have obviously not been carefully maintained, but the impact and deterrence they bring to people are unquestionable.

A stench unique to the mouths of predatory animals hit his face, and the leader was made to feel nauseous!

He threw away the hunting knife. When the lion came forward and pounced on him with its claws, he had a feeling that continuing to hold the hunting knife would be tantamount to committing suicide!

He used his hands to stop the lion from biting his mouth, and struggled hard to keep its disgusting yellow teeth away from him!

The others also reacted, and the two of them aimed directly at the male lion that had pounced on the leader, and stabbed it violently with the hunting knives in their hands.

There was no specific purpose, just random stabbing.

Each stab can poke a hole in the lion's body.

When the lion received the first blow, it let go of the target in front of it. It turned its head very quickly and bit off a hunter's arm in one fell swoop.

.... But then the second stab hit its body, and when it turned its head again, the other person had already retracted his arm in advance.

The lioness rushed towards this side, but was knocked to the ground by the huntress.

She has no help at this time. If she wants to survive and get the bounty, she must temporarily hold off the lioness!

The leader also freed his hand at this time, picked up the hunting knife that had been thrown beside him, and stabbed it into the lion's body.

Bloody, cruel, cruel!

It's beyond words.

The most brutal fight, without any mercy at all, both humans and animals are fighting for their lives!

With the combined efforts of the three, the lion quickly fell to the ground.

But when they were about to kill the lioness, they discovered that a piece of flesh had been torn off the waist of the female team member, and blood and internal organs had flowed out.

But even so, she still tightly wrapped her hands around the lioness' neck, preventing her from supporting the male lion in the first place.

When the three people came around, the lioness immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to kill and turned around and ran away.

But all the passages in the entire arena have been closed. It tried to break through the door it came from once, and the iron rod clanged, but that was all...

The final fight became more and more difficult. The lioness defended against the wall, which made the siege even more difficult!

Because if you strike first, you are likely to be bitten by it.

After a brief confrontation, the hunter whose arm was bitten off by the lion charged over first.

The trapped lioness tried to frighten the human's attack by biting fiercely. She bit the man's shoulder directly and tore hard.

But this also gave the other two people the opportunity to attack from the side with knives in both hands. Soon the lioness was continuously injured during the fight and finally fell to the ground.

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The three people fell to the ground, gasping for air.

Panting and panting, one of them gradually lost his breath.

After the arm was severed, the bleeding could not be stopped in time. When the lioness bit her just now, huge pressure was exerted on her chest.

In addition to the fractured collarbone and ribs, one of the ribs punctured a lung lobe. Even if he was operated on immediately, it would not change the outcome.

Five people came, and three died. This may not have been expected by anyone.

The entire arena fell silent at this time. As the hunter leader stood up, people's eyes were always focused on him.

As he moves, move!

His hand holding the hunting knife was trembling all the time. This was the most desperate time in his life, bar none.

He walked up to the lion, looked at the lion that had been dead for a while, bent down, and began to harvest its head.

He originally wanted to lift the lion's head alone, but it was obvious that his current body was unable to do so.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

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鈥滀竴鍦庻澶х殑鑳黃庄鄄銆捗€濓纴鍧愬湪 chain€濂 border 殑鐪嫔彴涓婄殑鏋楀缁掎毑浜卦鍦红鏂楁涶璇氭畄宮玎浠峰璒

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The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it

Chapter 2134/3296
Blackstone CodeCh.2134/3296 [64.75%]