This world, this society, is free.
You can express any opinion you have and no one will stop you from doing so.
But the thoughts of the people who make up society are not necessarily as free as their actions.
You can say something you think but it might hurt someone else if you're not a big deal.
No one will actually taste dog shit just because you say "dog shit tastes like chocolate", so what you say is your freedom.
But if you are a big shot, such as a member of the Senate, you have to pay attention to whether your "freedom" will hinder the "freedom" of others.
For the team leader personally, many people die every day in this world. As long as it can create benefits for himself, it is worth dying a few people.
Policies like the ones they pursued in Marillo started with countless deaths every day.
Those who were labeled "traitors" and moved south to seek help from the Confederacy were stopped on the road by warlords who then sent them back to the embrace of God.
The people who moved south, the warlords, didn’t they know that this was a conspiracy by the Federals?
Use profits to lure a large number of farmers to abandon their original land and move south.
Don't they know?
they know!
The farmers knew it, and the warlords knew it, but they had no better way to deal with these problems.
The farmers hope to get more money and be safer, while the military just wants someone to farm the land for them, so a contradiction arises.
Will the federal politicians who created this series of contradictions and led to the killing of a large number of innocent ordinary people feel guilty about this?
Maybe they do it in front of the cameras, but as long as they are out of the public eye, they are just happy.
Because their plan worked.
The complaints from the merchants about the cruel competitions in the gladiatorial arena are actually no different to the team leader from the merchants lending usury to those gamblers.
They are all forcing people to die, but there is still a chance to survive in the arena, and surviving will change their destiny.
And loan sharking... is nothing but death.
In fact, the businessman is the most despicable one, but he is wearing expensive formal clothes and sitting at a table full of delicious food.
When he spoke with a silver fork in his hand, steak worth one hundred and forty-nine dollars spurted out of his mouth, he became noble!
Money is always the fastest and most effective way to "arm" yourself.
Who the hell can resist being friends with a rich guy?
The team leader picked up the napkin and wiped the grease from the corner of his mouth. In fact, this action was not very polite.
What was impolite was not that he wiped it hard, but that the businessman was still talking while he was doing this.
Not interrupting others is the most basic social etiquette, but he did it.
The businessman was stunned for a moment and closed his mouth. He realized that the team leader didn't care about these things, so he naturally wouldn't say anything more.
Having been engaged in illegal business for many years, he has some ability in observing other people's emotional changes.
The team leader glanced at the sky outside the window, turned around and said, "If you are free, would you mind taking us around the city?"
The businessman nodded repeatedly to make up for his recklessness.
....At this time, Slem is building at an extremely fast speed.
Some capitalists were not so anxious at first. In their view, it was a miracle that Slem came from scratch.
But it is obviously impossible for every inch of space here to be filled with tourists in a short period of time.
It has only been a year since the war, and people have not yet recovered from the pain. In particular, many people have not been able to solve family financial problems.
During the war, the tax rates of various countries involved in the war and those not involved in the war increased a lot.
This is taking into account the huge cost of war. Whether you are in the war or not participating in the war, you must be prepared.
During this process, life has been very difficult for everyone, and some poor countries have basically drained all the wealth out of ordinary people.
And in some rich countries, such as the Federation, people don’t have that much money in their pockets!
Their loans and piling bills all require them to work hard to make money to pay them.
Therefore, these capitalists believed that the tourist wave would not appear until at least the end of this year to the beginning of next year. However, what everyone did not expect was that it would come so quickly!
This has also caused those capitalists who have not made great efforts to work overtime to start spending several times to recruit people. In this era that is mainly people-oriented, more people means that the construction period can be completed faster.
The team leader looked at the bustling city and couldn't help but sigh.
Putting aside their current opposing positions, he believes Lynch is definitely a capable guy.
Poverty is the main theme here in the east-central region of what was once Nagaril.
When the federal government invests its main budget in the economic and financial center of the southern hemisphere and the logistics center of the southern hemisphere, Catherine does not actually receive much budget.
Lynch used his extraordinary personal ability to help Catherine solve the problem of insufficient funds.
While the two neighboring states are still developing and have not yet seen the shadow of the southern hemisphere financial center and southern hemisphere logistics center, Slem has taken the lead in becoming the most high-profile consumer city in Nagaril and even the world. one!
This is Lynch!
"I see they are all using chips to pay. Have chips become the currency here?"
The team leader's observations were very detailed and he soon discovered that the situation was different from other places.
The businessman was stunned for a moment and patted his forehead, "Sorry, I almost forgot about this..."
He quickly ordered someone to exchange some chips and handed the chips to the congressmen.
Even the accompanying staff received a thousand yuan each.
The team leader looked at the exquisite chips in his hand while listening to the businessman say, "Slem has attracted attention and tourists from all over the world. Some of them are from the Federation, and some are from countries that have no diplomatic relations with us."
“According to the state government’s immigration office, approximately forty-six countries visited Slem during this period.”
This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!
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It’s a good place to be.彧chain夐珮鍒╄捶龾d簺浜朜暍銆?/p>
浠栦 slippery stream
杩椤嚑鞞 Pick 噷闅心澶ч噄镄勪综合洴婅瘯nanxi纴浜 Hong綋鍣ㄥ畼绉画箸猌粡鏄竴椤氣€歭笎洴愮啛镄勬pendant chain 尰鐤楁湇锷°€?/p>
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The chain is the same as the previous one濿楂桡纴杩椤 ammonia 璁╂暣涓 竞技鍦 coax 彉寰楃 ┖铓皓箒 drill hpound鉉ャ€?/p>
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浠栦 slide 鍙 thin hawthorn birch 叴 锛粓 浜庢憜鑴 become simple 杩掎釜娣狠泲锛?/p>
描忎Han鐗╂兂寰€涓婄埇锛屼絾阃夋嫨阌欎 Jianjuan€涓椂Chain monkey纴鍙兘鎴愪negative颣伆銆?/p>
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The key is the key Maple€?/p >
绱ф帴鈌€锛岃锷ㄧ粍缍偯忯濔欎 Jian Bifeng浵锛屸€槧湁娲婷婷屽厔寮熶 slip‘︹€︹€?/p>
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The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it