Money laundering... This kind of thing is really common in the Federation.
The Commonwealth has too much dark money to launder.
The money earned through smuggling and other illegal businesses in the hands of gangs needs to be laundered.
The tough gangsters rob banks, rob trucks and trains and the money needs to be laundered.
Even the money in the hands of some public officials who have committed official crimes and corruption must be laundered.
At present, the handling fees in the federal money laundering industry have mostly exceeded 50%, swinging around 50% to 55%.
In other words, those who need to launder money pay one hundred yuan, and in the end these underground banks will only give them forty-five to fifty yuan through legal channels.
Half of it was taken away, and they still need to continue to pay taxes on this legal income.
If the underground banks are not powerful and their methods are not clever, maybe when one hundred yuan of black money is laundered and deposited in the bank, only twenty or thirty yuan will be left.
Don’t be too little, this is the peak period of money laundering in federal society.
With the full implementation of the departure tax, many international hot money will have to pay a huge price if they want to leave the country after making a fortune in the federation!
They would rather turn a hundred dollars into fifty dollars, at least it would be much cheaper than paying the departure tax.
If there is a market and demand, there will be suppliers.
This period was also the period when the federal government cracked down the most on underground banks. After all, the money laundered by the banks was a huge loss to the Federal Taxation Bureau and even the entire federal society.
Therefore, as long as money laundering is caught, it will basically start within ten years, and some may even be in prison for a lifetime.
When the businessman heard his wife say that he was suspected of money laundering, he completely lost his intuition.
Immediately afterwards, a numbing feeling started to go down from the scalp and spread all over the body!
damn it!
He didn't know what was happening, but he just wanted to die!
"Listen to me, don't resist, and cooperate with their demands. If they don't send you to their place, you will go to live with your sister first."
"I'll take care of the rest."
"Just like the old days!"
The businessman used to be just an ordinary loan shark, and his company was not even a "gang".
He absorbs some funds from relatives and friends and then lends these funds to ordinary people.
In order to ensure that the money could be recovered stably, he hired some thugs, and his son also had some friends who joined the company.
In the process of running the company, they encountered a lot of troubles from the government.
It wasn't that their local police, the Bureau of Investigation, turned a blind eye to him and his business from the beginning. He was also attacked, and then he understood the benefits of making more friends.
There are also troubles coming from borrowers, some with gang backgrounds who refuse to repay the money they borrowed.
This even triggered conflicts between companies and gangs.
If you are a little softer in this business, gangs nearby will soon come to borrow money until the company goes bankrupt.
He fought back forcefully, with one man and one gun, winning the respect of the enemy and finally solving the problem.
He has solved many problems, and this time, it will be the same as in the past...
….He is actually not that confident, but he must show that he is very confident.
After hanging up the phone, he hesitated and found his friend, the congressman.
If there's anything that's happened recently that could cause problems, it's this group of people.
But now... he found his friend, the congressman, and spoke about his problem softly.
The congressman was also stunned, but unlike the businessman who was confused and confused, the congressman actually knew why all this happened.
Because the purpose of their trip was to deal with Catherine and Lynch.
But on the surface, both Congress and state governments will say this to the outside world.
Governor Catherine even expressed in a semi-public manner that she welcomed the congressional working group to come here to work, and said that she would cooperate very actively.
Congress only said that it would strengthen communication between special states and the federal territory, but did not talk about core interest issues.
The status of businessmen is too low.
He is just a businessman, not a capitalist.
He didn't know what else was behind this. Although he might have some doubts in his subconscious, he didn't show it at all.
When he talked about the cruel gladiatorial competition in the Grand Arena, the team leader interrupted his movements, which made him not think that these people were really here to deal with Lynch.
Maybe, as people said, they just saw that this place was developing so well and wanted some benefits.
The federal government!
In the eyes of ordinary people, isn't it like this?
The team leader was chatting with other senators about some of his personal opinions. The businessman's friend came up to him and whispered in his ear for a moment. The team leader frowned slightly.
There is no doubt that this is Lynch's handiwork.
No one but Lynch could mobilize so much power against a loan shark in such a short period of time.
It's just that the team leader is a little curious. He knows that Lynch and the FBI have already been on good terms.
But when did Lynch have such a close relationship with the Tax Bureau and the Contraband Bureau?
But he soon gave up thinking about this question with an answer, and instead confessed to the others and walked towards the businessman.
"I don't know your question right now. I need to make a phone call and ask."
As he spoke, he walked into the phone room in the casino and dialed the number of his federal friend.
He told him about the businessman and then hung up the phone.
About ten minutes later, the phone rang again.
"I inquired about the matter and was told that someone reported it and they arrested the person at the scene. The evidence is conclusive."
"Their black money went through anonymous accounts, but in the end it flowed to the building materials company. They did not clean up the traces, so there was basically no room for action in this matter."
"At most, we can find him a better lawyer during the trial and reduce his sentence by a few years."
It’s not that black money cannot be deposited in banks, but it needs to be done skillfully.
涓€涓嫔瓓瀛燜鍑鍑珈鍑犱竾锛岄摱汛汾nan闱㈣偗瀹 Hydrogen fine 鍏worm open 銆?/p>….Key冭冭鍍鍒板尶钖嶈紴风屋铓挎綶锛岄摱汛汼笉浼hydrogen-rich 锷锷ㄥ娑夛纴麴娆撱擓掳曰曛ㄤ第浠粈涔堥兘涓煡阆撱€?/p>
鍏淺疄尰博阍卞宪钖戝澶椨炂阍腘鏄埄鐢ㄥ緢澶氱殑璐︽埛鏉ュ仛杩欎掜欶纴紣厎玜璐︽埛盛树燜涓変簲Mace Afraid of violence?/p>
鍙兘徱笱狠夊缑杩欑马鍍卞お灏戜简攛屼絾濂囁杩拾哗钖庢槸渓€涓囦釜琐﹀佛锛屽崄涓囦釜LU ﹀Buddha forging
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鍐萍mutual '滃璧勨€戈殑钖新箟浠庡浗澧栧悉濞枎枎拎拭殑杩涘叆嵵旈恊抆?/p>
杩欐槧姣懇浼犵粺涓戈珮鏁韚畨鍏ㄧ殑绂诲娲楅挶濂楥楅挶浥楄楁攛屼絾瀹冩湁涓€涓嚚forging boundary殑炂玣鈥斺€?/p >
Huan Huan 缞chain 夎 umbrella涔矚琐︽峛寮€阃氲法锲狠鬟锷★纴骞鈁鍏鶋镄啪Han铡画搷洐纴gallium€浠ラ珮棰濑镑鬬画擓What is the standard?/p>
鍙槸鐜 Board湪杩欐浔璺笉鄄偅涔堢殑濂 borrowed egg锛屽洜涓红Limi ◣鄄勭紭鏁咃纴鍙甙祴磢村姞鄄寯夯鑑︺€?/ p>
寕笉绠℃€庝箞陙翴鍟啕Han涔媠鄄勯挶娌℃湁娲楀 in total 鍑€灏pass€氲tensionchain夊珜鐤戠殑鍖怕敕琐︽峛chain€缁堟祦鍏ヤ简夤狠旗鍏徃銆?/p>
Gallium € chain夌幆鑺傜壍gallium埌鄄勮处鍙獙纴涔熼兘鍏ㄩ儴鍍荍粨浜嗐€?/p>
鍦ㄨ丈闾︼纴Huan粲彲浠ュ缼瀵燂纴寰楃江宁卞nie锛屽缼缃forged radial 纴Huan嗗崈涓囧埆浠栧鑴爝癙涓€鐑哓寰楃江狋庡姟枞€銆?/p>
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浠栨姦涓shuxuan濆樊涓嶅鑳 borrowВ鍐Chi€?/p>
鐜 Board 湪镄勯棶棰Birch鍒mix兘涓嶅湪洔/p>
杩澾鐢ㄦ帀澶鄄勪Han鎯咃纴涴涓潓涓€涓殢澶勫彲 nmau云殑灏晢梜洴澶笉chain fried缑甛?/p>
"What's the point?/p>
鎸 preparation Jian 鐢佃瘽粀粍鍀逌€朜望偅涔涚崄鍑犵锛岃pound韬 egg鍒荒卟婕Han 镄倯哓彃€?/p>
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鈥滃叾涓湁涓€閮ㄥ垎阍荏氲bangbang浕嶘镄勪竴浜涜区鴴鴴紴仙丶叆鍒 award Jane Huanhuan鈑寤痗鍏徃Read 狋纴gallium€浠ョ幇鍦ㄥ拋铳湁鍏raise纺鍜屼綘镄啫啕鍙戁鍏Chong殑琐︽埛鮮 borrow鍍荤粨浜嗐€嗗€?/p>….鈥槧垜寰徟姳姝Chuan纴鴴戞椤鑳 warning 锷涳紒鈥?/p>
鍟嗕Han forged 嗪湪铡熷湴鍙粀溂锞鈵鄄勭湅锌€铓嶆南锛屼第鄄勪紬璁憳濂 borrow常涔缼梢镌€灁勯戂毲紑浜嗐€? /p>
The pot is slow and the heat is on
鎯Chong纭liaozhu涜紋绋畾甛它祫爝戝NH鹇呴 鍏呰frozen 銆?/p>
浠栫殑纭姩鐢ㄤ简涓€浜涢粦阍憺纴锲犱negative涓婂kunqian村 slowly鏉愯鎯呮毚娑纴浠栧婳澶囩殑阍change笉涶銆?/ p>
濡悛灉浠栧噶涶嚭阍 Change粬笏灁涓嶅埌闾f咒琐э纴Key屾嬁涓嶅埌闾f咒琐уNH浼浼氲绾︼纴gallium€浠ョpickaxe涓嬶纴浠栧姩鐢ㄤ简涓€閮ㄥ垎chain浵娌℃湁铓撶畕锷ㄧ敤镄勮祫Read戙€?/p>
璧衣殑鏄叕鍙哥殑琐︹€斺€旀诺拭殑浼佷笟涓新鍜倀浜hongchu鍙峰玺ワ纴gallium€浠ヤ粬鄄勯挶蹇呴 杩涘叆鍏徃镄勮处鍙罽彷锛屾姠鑳 borrowshe鎴洴愭敮浠 Pu€?/p>
鍙竴鐩村卌鐜板湪雮箟礉综合椉父涔域剰澶栧彂鐢燂纴浠栦篃娓愭玎鄄嫫综合鐣ヤ简杩掎揜浜嫔彲鑳 Introduction€犳垚镄勫怗鏋濿€?/p>
瀵游粬浠浵璇达纴涓€涓Every 缁翔 disease chain変剉环chainshoulder殑浜Monkey纴鏄笉黑€禊纴涔綶笉閰嶅拰浠栠栀缁х画寰呭湪涓€Bi Feng 殑銆?/p>
鍟啕Han鄄勮〃鎯呭 ammonia-plated 忔槸寰博枈揿厜浜晙殑璧咀嫍锛屼竴璺笂chain変笉珏戞斁楂楂埄璐风殑鍓嶆浵鎼锛屾/p>
鍙槸chain変竴涓湅鍙卫嫦墢佃瘽璁╀粬玺ュ緟涓€涓嬶纴浠栧彴鏄兂簸企PU竴涓嫔浗浼氱殑澶т汉鐗╋纴涓戶父涔鈚 ammonia浼橩彂鐢绻UM晙风殑殑戜嬫叏雂炂璒
浠栭殣闅愭剰璇嗗埌它 umbrella浠多簨锛屽拰鋋楀chain夊叧绯综合€?/p>
Juan Lou Lou Chan Dian?/p>
锽槧燽戠煶瀵嗙爜璇峰ぇ瀹鈥湹钘奿 fine(..)锽戠煶瀵嗙爜chain€镞╁皬璇anc洿鏂综合€緷harasschain€Jian€?/p> .
The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it