Blackstone Code


When a person has no desires, you cannot use his greed for desires to ask him to do something.

But once you have desires, once your desires are discovered, you are likely to fall into a situation where you lose the initiative.

This situation is actually more common between workers and employers. The worker needs money to support himself and his family. This is his "desire."

Entrepreneurs and capitalists use their "desire" to survive and use "remuneration" as a temptation to make them work for them.

Why do some people always say that they have been exploited and oppressed by capitalists, but they still do not resign?

In fact, there is no complicated reason, it is just for money.

Leaving your current job may not necessarily lead to a better job, and capitalists are obviously aware of this, and this is where the conflict between labor and capital is concentrated.

In addition, it is also common in relationships between men and women.

The previous director of federal investigations did not have much desire. Based on the characteristics of the federal government, no president would put a non-confidant in this position.

Perhaps in terms of the level and structure of power, it is not as good as the Security Council or the Department of Homeland Security.

But this is still a position that cannot be ignored!

The change of president also means the change of the position of Director of Federal Investigation, so basically all the people who sit in this position because the president came to power.

None of them have much nostalgia for this position. They can only work for four or eight years.

The next president will not let people continue to do their jobs just because they did a better job while in office.

Basically, everyone who has sat in this position only has nostalgia for this position, but has no more desire, because it is absolutely impossible.

But now, something unexpected happened.

If the next president is someone from Lynch's side, the FBI director can still sit in this position.

It’s scary to think about being the director of federal investigations for twenty years!

This is his desire!

Another eight years will be enough for him to firmly control everything in the FBI!

Even if he will still leave after eight years, he can ensure that this place will not lose control in a short period of time due to his departure.

In so many years, he has been able to master many secrets and possess a lot of political capital.

These can be put in your pocket as a kind of hidden wealth, a kind of inheritance!

When you have desire, you will be held hostage by desire.

Lynch's order was quickly sent to the director-general, who mobilized detectives in the entire Bupen area in the name of "witness protection."

Let them find a way to find the person and then send him to the General Administration for protection.

Gangs have gang methods, and Bupen is controlled by three major families, but that doesn't mean there are only three gangs.

In fact, there are many small gangs that are not on the stage. They are between "township associations" and "gangs" and cannot be regarded as complete gang organizations.

They may only occupy one street, or even just one or two intersections, and their main task is to protect the businesses within the area from being bullied.

….Most of these people are also nephews or relatives of business operators.

These people usually stay on their own territory, and some of them may operate businesses that are not legal, or they may have hired black immigrants who smuggled themselves over.

These people standing or sitting on the street also serve the purpose of sentry.

They will watch the pedestrians who enter their territory and watch them leave. They will also watch if anyone from the Immigration Bureau or the Contraband Bureau suddenly runs over.

These are the spies of big gangs.

The FBI informants, although similar, are somewhat different.

Their eyes are more complex, including newsstand owners selling newspapers and magazines from the roadside.

The doormen who come to the bar to open the door for guests, and even some strippers, may be informants for the agents——

It must be mentioned here that during this period, agents not only did not need to pay so-called "salaries" to informants, but sometimes they could also receive a commission from informants.

These agents can serve as "backers" so that these people can breathe the air freely at the bottom. In return, in addition to occasional news, money is also a good choice.

In short, the whole of Bupen was in motion, with people searching for the Minister of Security everywhere.

They also blocked all roads and train stations leaving Bupen, and the docks were also full of people.

Some people may ask why we have to take the road instead of the wasteland?

In fact, the wasteland... is very difficult to walk, and it will turn into walking if you are not careful.

The Federation's land area is not small, but its population is really small, which makes the wilderness more dangerous.

Every year, many people disappear into the wild because of "adventure", "camping", and "hunting"!

In short, there are people involved in this matter from top to bottom.

After Lynch ended the call, he made another call to Mr. Wardrick.

When he picked up the phone, he heard Mr. Wardrick's confident voice, "I think it's time to call me!"

He didn't laugh, but through his voice, Lynch could feel that he was laughing!

Young people’s first cars are becoming extremely popular in the federation at an unimaginable speed, and many dealers can’t even get the goods!

As soon as the cars come off the assembly line at the factory, they will be snatched away by suppliers and sellers.

It’s so hot!

Because it is cheap, because loans are available, and because the federal economy is growing rapidly!

These sound like very general and macro-level things, but when it comes to details, people's wages have increased by more than ten or twenty yuan.

It may not seem like much, but the loan approved by the bank will be hundreds of dollars more!

Because wages and incomes have increased, people can get more loans, but the price of cars is so low.

Change source]

With a down payment of less than 2,000 yuan, you can take home a beautiful car. Who can resist this temptation?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

嶈 涓 椾 椾 鎴 鎴 鎴 鎴 瓙锛 瓙锛 屼 屼 絾鏄 絾鏄 楄 楄 楄 楄 ︼ 纴杩 纴杩 纴杩 缮 鐢ㄤ 粬 堢殑鎯 堢殑鎯 堢殑鎯 堢殑鎯 娉 娉 曞幓 阃 阃 阃 曞幓 曞幓 阃 曞幓 阃 曞幓 曞幓 曞幓 曞幓 曞幓 曞幓

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锲犱negative鉉愭枡鍜岃婼㈢殑樻晠晠涓嶉涶丸业枞crotch splashlvd箞镄勭bition Naosui纴鉉鄭歭枡涔熷彲浠ラ€夋嫨娣町village阍㈤fankey屼謉鄄洴钖堥噾攛屾卍浠浠ヤ环镙与洿忺庛€?/p>


瀹娨叾瀹炴洿阃悜敤浜庤仈闾﹀ぇ澶氭暟鍩庡竞鍜屼埂涓嫔湴鍖 monkey纴鐗 rose韆鏄竴浜涘嘘鍦 monkey纴鐗у満涔嬬啄啩€?/p>

枞﹁同杩樻 Disease chain 夋寮忓紑洮嬮saving 鍞纴灛鍟卟嗕描揽浵浜姴杩囧崄槴笄焄宮鍗曪紒


闾d箞宮€鎷璴皯鐢ㄨSplash 镄鈫鈫獦Monkey纴鍒捾瀹夌鍏嫔狠涓氱殑缁忚惶郴寮€洮嬭 egg钖戞枞ㄣ€? /p>

娌娨娨婽屽 toilet鍏鍏哓鍙禋浜啕灏戦挶锛屼粬笸chen猬粲鍏村镄勬兂笸丛難棣走爈涔嬬紒

Jiao Zhe 

鈥滀粬浠渶杩戞湁娌℃湁浠€涔栜夫掺纻‘濓纴鋋楀闂殑鏄粬姣旇鍏 Rush achievement鄄勯棶棰 Pu€?/p>

鍖楁南lvd簺Key丸巶侶у巶锛嬄昆揗旗畨绉戝 toiletchenヤ笟杩掎掏翓纻liaiaosisi umbrella涔埚揩鄄勬垚闀僯pound鉉ワ纴Key屼爈戔堥兘涓嶅仛钖楋绻


浠栫殑璇爵簽屽Pang鏂ッ潃潓€绉刈璇纴E沀粬浠綋鐒Duo笉浼氱氅氌€鎴戜捙戝寰楥UM涔柚ソ锛屼綶涓嶅湪锲 borrow崴锛崼嬉娓呮浠栦 slip 涓枞戬掼炰 simply涓€浜涗綈涔徟刣鍑嗐€傗€?/p>

鈥滃叾瀹炲彧肖佽剳瀛瀭 Disease Chain変瀈涔堥棶棰橀兘鑳界湅寰楀暭锛屼第浠NH鄄拡瀵regulations垜浠潵镄啄娨€ ︹€︹€? /p>

The key is the key. The problem is佹嬁鍑红€佸ぇ鍝ョ殑掮掎€佹潵銆?/p>

浠栦 slip鍜屾灁寰罽巷鍏嫔厛颢皻杩曷纴澶ф鄄勬剰镐濇槸鍙屾nan鍦ㄦ妧chain眰闱笂钖堜綔锛倀敤掶鎶€chain浵鹹㈠彇澶уchain夐檺搴︾殑鎺ョShake銆?/p>

瀹夌鍏嫔发涓氶倷寰博鎶€chain疄闄嬬笂鏄琛瀀ye笌瀌卍鄄勬市选纴鍏堜笉璇笇浠effect涓円Xiaoyi mourns for death What's wrong?/p>


娌娨 spa read屽 toilet鍏堢敓杩栾 actually涓€掷掔粷粄偅授構rose ammonia鍦ㄣ€婃ben枞︺€嬫齅椇椾笂瀵畨牉戝 toilet箸ヤ笟鐢熶組勪绻绔/p>

璇ancun槸尰埚姹氹氰湪涓€璧禴纴嘘湰琐ㄤ笂灏秸鍦ㄩ拡瀵rose畨牉戝 toilet箸ヤ笟銆?/p>

浠栦 slippery Hao是鐢ㄨ umbrella涜涜擡荤鎾炲叾浠栬授掭纴夤 Hong 钒鐗╋纴鐢氰呖鍦ㄦ瀬绔幆澧姧笅灏濊篯寯褤怹冦€?/p>....

锷犱笂杯氭祴璇ukuang殑浜戰鈬眮 inlaid" ammonia 鏄鄄勶纴鍙兂Key倀II鍑犱箮gallium€chain夌殑仙嬭瘯椤Gui洮閮 borrow浜庝笉钖募牸镄啭姸AX and €?/p>

Weaving effect嬫槸涓€瀹剰尰鴴愮珛娌℃湁澶hydrogen癙镄啋叕鍙鍙镐磣竫獤殑銆?/p>


鉉 effect weaving 锄宮娉kuang'璁╁畨绉戝 toilet chen ヤ笟鄄勯珮绔benqi﹂saving 鍞鍒鍒卸姌锛岄偅浜涙湁鍍changes to Han 浠垗Huanxiang姳阍拋纴庴娕第浠笉浼氭妸阍Braid姳鍦ㄨ銄fan鐪嬭pound鉉ュ儚鍌诲瓙鄄勪笢瑗欂銆?/p>


姣懇涓娓叓鍗卂殑枞︼纴锲涘崈涶嶅埌鄄勮浠栠栠 slip gallium sentence笉鍒issued 鬉涔板畕镄勭拊搢 stool €?/p>

The link between the chain and the chain is the same as the chain. Hualu¢ What’s the key?/p>

娌娨婷Read屽 toilet鍏堢擓瓋堜Jianhuan韚锛屾瘮濡坝浠栦浵揿掎涓€浜涢浵浵浠浵洴洿晢攛屽瀹夌嫔发涓氭柇渚掅€?/p>

掴栬€呰丈钖兜竴浜涘叾浠栫殑铡 effect 晢杯hydrogen 竴浜浢涢拡瀵gui €у緢寮红殑娲揲姩銆?/p>

铋楀钖畲娌娨婷豽 toilet鍏堢擓镄嬬姳阐ㄤ箣钖庯纴绗戠潃璇氯锛屸€ﻀ綘玶婅UM umbrella浜涗笢瑗玘珁inch把鎴洪 gong /p>

鈥滆洆娈MAT椂邂inch瓑鴴戝洖锲窣疖庯纴鴴戜戜珏卞彲浠ョ潃铓婔浠树粬浠 Jane銆婗€?/p>



Key屽紩鎿庣殑玮玮 Flag┒鍜屽紑鍙戝张涓嶆槸涓€绗濿皬鏁attire氰锛彽彧chain変竴叮€洮婔 ammonia涓嶆涇掶枞叆镄勪崒涓氲兘缁х画掶曞叆涓嫔幓铆?/p>

鎯 ChongRead嶆把寮€涓€涓橩鏉ュ仛杩掎浜嬶纴涓新玎掎�玎丸ぇread啕殑璧勯噾锛匀煭镞枿Read岃缮寰奥毦chain変Change to Huan Kuang?/p>

It's a good idea璒

锽槧燽戠煶瀵嗙爜璇峰ぇ瀹鈥湹钘奿 fine(..)锽戠煶瀵嗙爜chain€镞╁皬璇anc洿鏂综合€緷harasschain€Jian€?/p> .

The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it

Chapter 2166/3296
Blackstone CodeCh.2166/3296 [65.72%]