Normal people, at this point, should probably stop.
But that's normal people.
For dog betting——
"I still have ten thousand yuan!"
Yes, he still has 10,000 yuan, but this 10,000 yuan has no actual meaning.
From the moment it is missed by young people, it has actually lost!
For the casino, the casino can lose countless times.
But for a young man, there are only a few times he can lose. If he increases the stakes, he will lose faster!
Ten thousand yuan was exchanged into two chips worth five thousand yuan.
The easiest way to get your money back is not to go to a gambling game with a minimum bet of twenty yuan, but to win back twenty twenty yuan.
Instead, find a large gambling table with no upper limit and win back all your losses with just two or three cards.
If you can win five thousand, it will be ten thousand.
Then if you win another 10,000, it will be 20,000.
Only two cards were needed, and if he could win both, he would have twenty-five thousand.
Then 20,000 is won again, which is 40,000, then 80,000, 160,000...
He only needs to win six times in total. Not only can he win back all the money he lost in the past few days, but he can also make a fortune!
Is it difficult to win six games in a row?
Not difficult!
He himself once won fourteen cards in a row!
This time he doesn't need to break the record, he just needs to win a few cards!
This time he moved to a different gaming table, one with a female dealer.
For most people, they always think that women represent innocence, at least less likely to cheat in their methods.
This is also the reason why the female dealer's gambling table is always full. Cheating requires such a high level of skill, and women who are so stupid may not be able to learn it.
The young man won the first round, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.
Five thousand can become ten thousand, no labor is required, no personal connections are required, just put the chips on the table and listen to the decision of fate!
Change source]
This is the unique charm of gambling, the charm of getting something for nothing!
Someone looked at the young man with attention. After all, winning five thousand in one game is not a small sum.
It is roughly equivalent to the disposable wealth of a worker in the Bupain area who goes without food or water for a year.
Immediately afterwards, he pushed back the two 5,000 yuan chips sent by the dealer.
Bet 10,000 this time!
His heart began to beat faster. He had never made such a big bet at once before.
The huge amount of gambling made him start to secrete adrenaline, his face was rosy and he was excited!
The whole world seemed to have entered a new realm, the colors became more vivid and brighter, and he could see even the tiny dust in the air!
The dealer's action of dealing cards seems to have slowed down a lot, giving him more time to think about strategies.
"Don't call...", he shook his head. His card was at a moderate point, but the card shown by the dealer was at a very small point.
In other words, even if another invisible card has the highest value, he still has to take the card.
As long as you ask for cards, there is a chance it will explode.
There is a young man's 10,000 yuan chip on the card, which increases the pressure on the dealer.
This is the inevitable result.
It is lucky for the young people, but it is very unlucky for the banker. The first card explodes and the banker loses everything.
….The young man watched the 5,000 yuan chip in his hand turn into 20,000 yuan between two cards, and his heartbeat became clearer!
It's like...the heart is beating in the ears, and the blood pressure and pulses are flowing rapidly throughout the body!
Twenty thousand yuan in chips were pushed onto the table again.
The players at the table all looked at him strangely. No matter what the young man's situation was, he was definitely worth it if he bet 20,000 yuan on one card at the public gambling table!
This time, his luck was not so good. It was a relatively small and very embarrassing card.
He chose to ask for cards, and then hit the point. The dealer didn't even need to continue to ask for cards to win money!
The young man then paid another five thousand yuan, which was his last money!
This time fate still did not favor him, and he lost everything.
Once again, I had nothing, and the whole person fell into a kind of mania!
It’s just that we are missing some funds now!
Just when the young man was about to leave the casino in despair and find a place to calm down, a woman who looked to be in her thirties walked up to him.
"Sir, it looks like you are not having much luck?"
The young man raised his head and glanced sideways at the woman. He had to say that the woman was very beautiful.
In her thirties, a woman is in a stage of maturity and is also the most attractive stage.
She was wearing a floor-length red dress, her hair was tied high, and she had some makeup on.
Through the slightly close-fitting dress, you can see that she has a very good figure, without any fat at all.
If a charming woman is in an entertainment venue, countless people will come to chat with her.
But here, there are very few people to strike up a conversation with, and she is far less attractive than the gambling table and chips!
The young man said nothing and was about to leave, but the woman's next words made him change his mind.
"I can provide some loan business without mortgage..."
The young man's feet stopped and he asked, "How much can you give me?"
The woman pointed to the sofas surrounding the hall, "Why don't we sit down and talk?"
Soon, the young man left with 20,000 yuan. He left his ring and watch with the woman, and also signed a loan contract.
He borrowed 22,500 yuan from the woman and agreed to return it within three days.
The young man thinks he is good enough, but the woman thinks he is not good enough, and may not even be able to hold on for an hour.
If he cannot come up with the money by then, he may be split up and sent to different regions.
As federal organ transplantation technology matures, there are hundreds of thousands of people around the world waiting to have their organs replaced!
There are more people who can't change because they don't have money, it's not that they don't need it.
This is a huge market. The price of a young, healthy, and viable organ on the black market has exceeded 10,000 yuan!
Key屼Han Huan描彲渚涚Щ妞殑鍣ㄥ敼锛屽苟涶嶆涓€澶娨€︹€?/p>
It's a good idea丸湪杩擓噷鍙戞砠銆?/p>….鐢琷鍙捙戞砠銆?/p>….鐢琷鍙捙戞砠銆? /p>
浜嫔疄涔涔綺殑纭姝わ浜屽崄澶澩枎阍祷户怗匀dispelled Bang Hong劯鑹cha毯鐪嬬殑浠庤祵鍦hong德璧板嚭鉉ャ€ ?/p>
Qian consults and hand in hand with the bang and coaxes and cries.
鍒谰铓brand-negative姝㈣涓橩forged tree fine鍜屽綋鍦版converged 搴洐纴箸鴴洴洐纴鮮 mustard disease chain 夊嚭鍙 promulgated 父涔徟converged 绛栨浵阍韚杩掎What's wrong?/p>
咖屾椂锛屽浜庤祵鍦獵璇达纴瀹汉浠彛皮嬷娌℃湁鍍 become simplified锛屽张娌℃湁掶pad娂鐗╋纴镊姧涓嶅彲鳳 mustard All €?/p>
嗛珮鍒╄戶捒挎扰缁欎粬浠€熸锛參€屼粬浠€熷埌浜UMUM quilt 痈挶涔嫗攛屼毃浼氱敤浜庤祵Nao Hong's sad confession垙鍜屾秷璐縸纴chain€灁堣缮鏄椤鍦ㄤ简璧屽満溄镄勬嬋屻€?/p>
Haojie楂楂埄琱琱簰鏂嫆洮嗗Fu鏉ヤ简涓€浜涗笉澶弸濂界殑澹综合煶锛屼絾絏簰铓嶆浵璇da纴鍦ㄤ粬The disease chain妸浜嬫叏鎼炂缑澶潖涔嫔壠锛屽璧屽満Key岃█杩欎簺鏄埄徶т簬寮婄殑抆?/p>
鍏麺疄浠浠浠綍鍍版nanzuo must鹁楂楂埄琄琹风殑盛湪曪曰屼Han浠寃寰徟绻妤氶珮鍒╄捶镄勫嵄瀹 insects€с€?/p>
璧屽満窄単chain夋诺捭殑 threshold inert锛屾father瀹 slipping Juan嶆 effect镒濛€氲厶玶pad娂鋮峰瑑缐Feng锛屾兂flaw役棎掶pad娂镄卫瑑鍒mix祵秧勶纴龾e ammonia tweezer劧flaw役幹鍙椤不Read rugged殑钖庺灉銆?/p>
Tweezers filled with 簬浠ュ怗锛屾滠濂囨湁璁″垝瓡画棣椤匡纴Huan噙煭礷唴锛屾殏镞多鬉锷ㄨ umbrella浜涗汉‘斺€?/p>
杩欎笉銄斁浠hurdle鏄浠栠 slippery fan dark insertion 隭镊村懡鄄勭牬缁aunt €?/p>
鐜 Board湪鏀退怀楂Hua埄琐鲁峰彽屼狠璁╀竴浜涢€氲掂楂湪各铐风畕韬殑璧屽面涓嶆ARC锛屼綘浠笉镒掎剰chain簼挶锛它缮玶婇偅浜涵 effect 咔夤掶pad 娂娐峰 鄄勫叕鍙捨缁狭琐缁椤纰娌°€?/p>
浠栦 slide hoe 庺箑鑳 Jie 笉鍙卙嶆劅锛?/p>
铓€浠ヨ缮精品丕绛礌笑锛倀瑑兴村镄勪Han鍙楀卌瀹殑 drill and 瘨锞讹纴鍐嶅皭gallium嬭В鍐pet umbrella浜涢棣棣棰 Pu€?/p >
涓新玳鑳 borrow鏂嫮PU嗙殑姘涘洿鍙华ソ锛岃缮鑳 borrow 缮鍒 award Han Xi?/p>
杩欐妸妞呭瓙鍜屾暣棓扉鍕掑鋄勭徧冩牸镙间笉鍏ワ纴瀹冧豢涢伃鍙楥汄琰翰Han镄勬匌纾纴涓€浜涚剨鎺ュ镄勭gent闅欓唛唛屼技术涔缮娈嬬暀锛骞骞cruci steep 镄勮娓嶃€?/p>…. 铋滀綘铓肖笉鍒 award Han鉉ョ粰HUAN犳殕浠樿UM谗旈挶鈥︹€︹€?/p>
濂chargehanhuanjing鎽囧ご锛常€滃湪chain掕镞剁粨鏉熶箣鍓嶏纴鴴戜 slippery mutual qi濊涓嶅Huan犲姩嬨€嗗€?/p>
鈥滀絾chain敕鞞多铴锞︾粨鏉燴纴纺缮娌℃湁鑳borrow掶婇挶杩樼簴洜 slide 锛岄偅涔域垜浠彧鑳 Introduction€氲tension Ling Shun Hua啊繁鄄勬南寮庴浠府綘鄄勮韩涓婃妸杩欑马鍍Braid copy锲炴潵銆南€?/p>
廃笇chain涗綘鍒嚜Huan细仾鏄庣殑鍜屾垜浠幓璧屾垜浠笉浼 Hydrogen Excitation 瀹 Fill綘锛偃 umbrella read屼笉鏄綘铱€鐭ラ死exchange曚竴涓湁扉曞緥镄勄湴鏂广€偗€?/p>
"What's going on?"/p>
The emerald green kettle is the most beautiful one in the world.
鏂嫆捙濜鋋楀杩欐牱镄勫紑璁 fear ぇ璧屽満鄄勄Han鍙戜简澶цchu锛岃闾d簺chain夊緢澶橩コ瀛╀ slip 叕鍙 manuscript彂浜嗗ぇ璐纴涔绻杩掎簺鏀掀珮鍒╄捶镄勫彂浜嗗ぇ琐璒
鍦综合涴嬩笂锛屼緷镞х儹闂 returned 骪鍑★纴捜嬘嘘歌turn閮 must酂璞′笉鍒help纴鍦ㄨumbrella搴х伅鐏 margin 镦倀殑鍩庡京涓嬶纴娣 braid 锌镕锺庢牱鄄鋭江玭箹紒
骞曰交浜洴寮€洮嬬殑纭 Disease chain 夋兂鍒板怗鏋滀杩掎箞涓ラ tons锛屼粬鎯 pet 瘯璇充湅锛屼篃璁 manuscript 彧鏄umbrella 浜涗Han鍦ㄦ亹钖狠粬鬆?/p>
镊 夊埌 夊埌 镊 劅 劅 琚 琚 粈涔 粈涔 堜 姮 姮 姮 姮 姮 鏉 鏉 ワ 悗鏁 悗鏁 悗鏁 釜 釜 釜 兘鍙 缑鑸 湇 掓 湇 ?/P>
褰PU粬鍐捐荐苴寮抵抵梾搴娄笂锛岃緭娑茬摱姝e湪钖戜第鄄宮hanhuan tart What’s the point of this?
浠栫殑奇剧鍙Hua缿濂经经璁管甛屽NH鏄倸焪緷琒鐒UDo fine trousers€?/p>
鎴戣鏁戜 Jian 钖楋绻
浠栫湅鍌协呮ARC 浜嗗笇chain涚殑鍏夋陈锛?/p>
锽槧燽戠煶瀵嗙爜璇峰ぇ瀹鈥湹钘奿 fine(..)锽戠煶瀵嗙爜chain€镞╁皬璇anc洿鏂综合€緷harasschain€Jian€?/p> .
The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it