The FBI, the Federal Tax Service, the Contraband Bureau, and multi-department joint law enforcement are all powerful departments.
Director Johnson played a big role, and there were people in the IRS who were willing to be friends with Mr. Lynch, as were senior officials in the Contraband Bureau.
This led to such a multi-agency joint law enforcement.
This could be absolutely devastating for a small financial company!
Staff members watched as FBI agents yelled, "You're surrounded," before using a battering ram to break open the unlocked door.
Then they rushed in and threw everyone to the ground very brutally, and then handcuffed them.
The manager of the financial company, the businessman's son, just came out of the office and wanted to ask if there was any misunderstanding.
After all, in order for the business to run smoothly, and the "family business" building materials company is currently doing very well, he, the businessmen, and local officials have good relationships.
The young man could even recognize the FBI team leader who was leading the team, and they even ate at the same table.
This must be a misunderstanding!
Just as he was about to say something, the leader of the operations team holding a shotgun in his hand hit him hard in the mouth with the butt of the gun!
For a moment, a sharp pain accompanied his sore nose, causing him to vomit a mouthful of blood and two teeth!
Damn it!
He knew those two teeth because he just spent nine hundred and fifty dollars to have them whitened and repaired last month!
The pain began to intensify, and it hurt so much that he could not speak. Then he felt himself flying into the air, and then fell hard to the ground.
The whole body is whining and hurting!
These crazy people!
His hands were violently twisted behind his back and then handcuffed.
The leader of the operations team whispered in his ear, "If I were you, I would shut up right now."
It's hard to tell whether it was advice or threats, but the young man did it and shut his mouth.
After the scene was under control, people from the tax bureau began to enter.
They first asked the young people to open the safe, and then found a large amount of cash and ledgers from the safe.
What is recorded in these ledgers is basically who borrowed how much money on a certain day of a certain year, a certain month, and whether they paid it back or not, and whether the principal was recovered or not.
Basically, there are such accounts, and the number is staggering.
The staff of the tax bureau knew at a glance that the money in the safe and what was recorded on the bill were all untaxed black money!
Just these are enough to make the operator here eat a pot!
The people from the tax bureau sealed the evidence and left with it. They also needed the bank's cooperation in the investigation.
Immediately afterwards, agents from the Contraband Investigation Bureau brought in more than a dozen boxes of smuggled alcohol.
The young man's eyes almost popped out of his head. Just as he was about to speak, he was hit in the mouth with the butt of a gun, and he could only make a "Woo" sound.
At this time, a middle-level cadre who looked like a team leader walked out from outside. When he saw the smuggled alcohol, he immediately asked people to start counting the contraband.
He said in a voice just loud enough for the young man to hear, "This much smuggled alcohol is enough to fill the bottom of the prison..."
...Soon the FBI announced that it had uncovered an illegal loan sharking company and arrested many people on the spot.
In addition, the businessman's current main business, a building materials company, was also ordered to cease operations by the tax commissioner until further notice.
Because part of the money from the finance company finally flowed into the building materials company through some anonymous accounts, the tax bureau believed that they might be using the building materials company to launder money.
After the company secretary sneaked away, he immediately called his boss in Nagalir to report the situation. But at this time, the businessman was taking the MPs who he believed could be his ladder to the upper class at Slem's Street chic.
If nothing else happens, the domestic wanted order will arrive soon.
Slem, his time has entered the countdown.
As for going further...
Don’t be too anxious just yet!
"This is Lynch's casino, right?"
The team leader looked at the magnificent building of the central casino and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.
Especially the Arena next to the Central Casino. It is said that many of its building materials come from the famous ancient architecture of the Arena.
At first, government officials in those countries refused to sell the arena. It was part of their history and culture, and it was a past that could not be let go!
But soon they agreed.
Is it because of money?
No, they don't care about money.
What they care about is learning, technology, and upward motivation!
Lynch used some technology and cooperation that were backward for him but suitable for the world at the time, and he dismantled the arena from them and sent it here to rebuild it.
Due to the larger scale of the new arena, Lynch demolished a total of three historical buildings...
But I have to say, it is very worth it.
When those stones with mottled traces of time appear in front of people, it seems that they are not walking into a arena, but into a certain period of history!
While the heavy historical atmosphere hits your face, it also perfectly integrates the "newness" of the central casino next to it.
It's like an indescribable work of art that makes everything blend and soften!
"Go in and take a look..."
The central casino was very crowded, and there was even a queue at the door to exchange chips.
No way, not everyone uses Federal Sol to exchange chips, there are various currencies, which makes the exchange work not as easy as the change place at the door of the Federal strip bar.
"I'm going to exchange some chips..." The businessman said and arranged for people to queue up, but the team leader shook his head.
"We're just here to take a look, not to gamble. No need, just take a walk."
That's what I say, but many times what big people say, especially polite words, you can't take seriously.
The businessman verbally agreed, but still asked people to queue up. This behavior made the team leader and other senators give him a plus in their hearts.
This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!
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The flag is full of love墖涓婂彽恏勭潃涓€涓濂囩殑涓栫晫抆?/p>
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The key is the key镄勬満浼氶氰潰铆Ge 殑闅 fear?/p>
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The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it