The Rise of Australia
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 1026
Patton's Choice734Great Detour and Action735Shocking Changes MacArthur's Ambition736Sharing the Fruits737Army Reform738Expanding the Territory739Plan to Divide the United States740Debates and Threats741Nine Countries Stand Side by Side in America742A Good Way to Solve the Age Problem743Lake Eyre Canal Plan744Shamelessly Asking for a Monthly Ticket745Eight-Year Construction, Started! (Thanks for the Monthly Ticket, More Updates746The Era of Flight Has Arrived747Eight-Year Plan for Agriculture and Education748Nicholas's True Purpose (13 Updates)749Five Republics (23 Updates)750Great Trouble for the British (33 Updates)751Aircraft Expo (13 Updates)752Special Visit (23 Updates)753Tester 2 Missile (33 Updates)754William's Lifelong Event (13 Updates)755Serious Card Wen756Happy New Year757May Day Theory758The Coronation of Two Kings759Oppenheimer760The Call of the Same Race761A Leave762Multiple Parties Dispatched763Disappointing Officials764Resource-Rich Java Island765Both Physically and Mentally Exhausted, Take a Day Off766William's Engagement Ceremony767Portuguese Civil War768Royal Academy of Sciences769Half a Million Loaves of Bread?770Cyclotron and the Australian-Canadian Joint University771Reform and the Islanders772Chapter 744773Aging Nicholas II774Warfare Plan775William's Idea776Progress in Nuclear Weapons777Vitamin C778Pacific Alliance (Two Chapters in One)779Non-Violence, Non-Cooperation780Second Italo-Egyptian War781Kingdom Building782Funding783