Ask a sixteen-year-old teenager who has received a happy education how to view the collision of geopolitics from a macro level.
This is a bit embarrassing.
Even university professors who specialize in studying these matters may not be able to give answers quickly, not to mention that the young president is only sixteen years old.
But then again, the Federation's concept of "adulthood" is very vague. For example, you can get married at the age of sixteen, you can have children, and you can even go to war at the age of eighteen.
The people of the Federation and even the whole world actually have a very vague concept of "adulthood". When they think that a person should take on some responsibilities, that person becomes an adult overnight.
Fortunately, the young president has Lynch behind him, and Lynch is sitting in the gallery.
This was the first time he sat in the conference room of the Senate. This place is sacred to some people and no one else is allowed to enter.
Just like His Majesty the Emperor's scepter, many people believe that His Majesty the Emperor's scepter has incredible magical powers, such as manipulating people's behavior and thoughts.
But when they actually touch the scepter, they will find that it is actually a golden lump made of precious metals and gems.
The core of power is mysterious in the eyes of the people. This is also a situation that rulers must maintain.
Because once the core of power becomes less mysterious, people will lose their respect for power.
The current Congress is quite mysterious, at least it will not allow reporters to film here. Maybe this mystery will be destroyed by taxpayers for various reasons in a few years.
But for now, it remains mysterious—
Although Congress has no secrets!
The young president glanced at Lynch, who gave him a look of affirmation. Then the young president took a deep breath and said slowly:
"Before the federal government intervened in Marillo's affairs, Marillo was divided by warlords, and military conflicts, large and small, broke out every day."
"The most basic living conditions for ordinary people are not guaranteed. It's like a hell there."
"Now it's much better, the problem of warlordism has been solved and people can put down their weapons and go back to their lives without having to worry about when a group of people burst into their homes with guns drawn."
"The federal government has made many outstanding contributions to the peaceful development of the Marillo region. I believe this is the common wish of all people who long for peace!"
After listening, the speaker exchanged a few words with the person next to him in a low voice, then pressed the microphone again, "Your answer is sincere, but you did not answer my question."
"What do you think about the fact that now the federal government is trying to control, transform Marillo?"
The young president still looked calm and docile, "I can't do this."
"My grandfather and father didn't do this either. Even though they worked hard, they still couldn't change the country or the situation at that time."
"I don't think I'm greater or more capable than them, and I can't do it either."
"Strengthening federal management of Marillo is a good thing for the people of Marillo."
"I agree with this approach!"
The discussion started again, and he answered the speaker's question head-on.
….This kind of hearing is actually very serious, and you must answer some questions head-on.
Just like someone asks you if you like a certain girl, and you only say that she is beautiful and has a good figure, but don't answer whether you like her or not, this is definitely not okay.
A question is a question, and if there is a question, there is a standard answer within a relatively wide range.
The little president was no longer so nervous now, and his clenched hands relaxed naturally.
The sweat on his palms was evaporating, and he suddenly wanted to smoke, "Can I have a cigarette?"
The speaker was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Of course, this is your right, please do as you please."
Under the tobacco group's gold-dollar offensive, the medical group did not announce the dangers of cigarettes, and people did not have too negative views on smoking.
In fact, it is relatively normal for teenagers to start smoking in many rural areas, especially in tobacco-rich areas and the west, where raw materials are everywhere. No one can stop human curiosity!
The little president lit up the cigarette and took a puff, his nerves became even more relaxed.
Soon the discussion among the members ended, and the speaker asked the second question——
"What would you do if the subsequent transformation of Marillo would harm the interests of the current mainstream middle and upper classes of society in Marillo, and even the ruling class?"
A more pointed and tougher question.
Closed-door Senate hearings have never been a trivial matter in front of the media, and have a lot to do with future issues in both areas.
A careless move may lead to unnecessary military conflicts.
Marillo is a more difficult problem. On the one hand, it is in the process of long-term warlord rule. The people's definition of life is not the same as that of the Federation.
In the past few years, they went south to plunder, steal, and even kill people. It can be seen that their sense of right and wrong is very thin.
A disunified Marillo is indeed in the interest of the federation, but if it is unified or disunified, it will begin to harm the interests of the federation.
The only thing is to completely annex it and transform it into what you want.
This is a very serious question.
The young president is Marillo's current "great cause" on the surface, and his decision will greatly affect a series of subsequent federal measures.
If he opposes this, a group of former interest groups who are unwilling to merge with the Federation will naturally stand up to resist such annexation.
If he agrees with the federation's approach, the conflicts that may break out during the annexation of Marillo can be greatly reduced.
So the problem is not only acute, but also tough.
They first told the young president, I'm going to break into your home and take over your house, and then asked him what would you do if it was necessary to kick you out or take away your rights?
If it were an ordinary person, he might not answer or be angry about it. The federal people are just like robbers!
No, robbers are all obedient citizens in front of the federal government. If "evil" is to be used to redefine "bad" in this world, then the federal government is in one category, and other countries and people are in another category.
This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!
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浠栧浛浜啕竴鍙f簵锛屾浈鈌€涓嬫南钖愬嚭铡 Huo纴鑑熼浘钀︾粫鍦ㄤ粬鑳 draft尠锛屽张缂涶紦镄啋悜擓婇铡 Exchange€?/ p>
╃ case嘘庺第板啕綋镄勫吩娿€囗€?/p>
鈥滃鋋揋出press鐗insert嚑涓汉鑳糴鏉珉ユ暣涓┈Read 馀绥浜皯鎸人亄剋狫磂忕敓娲 acted as a member槧chain夊繀秧羊綴涔緷€駁缧镄啶紒鈥?/p>
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The key is the umbrella.
描忔€鍤粺鎶婇鐑熶涪鍦ㄥ湴涓婏纴庣広澶inch椤鑴氱⒕浜噙⒕锛岄殢钖庺姮澶瑇簇唛屸屃厅Tweezers 繁唛佲€?/p>
鍐嶆鍝嶈pound 锄勮璁 coax 0湾涶甛囃璁红殑锞 Fallen 濥窔涔咃纴鋋楀鍧愬湪镞丸扉宁笂鐪嬬惃Hao Xing €捤粺锛屽京寰棣栥€?/p>
杩掎簰簇濋兘鏄滠濂囨暀鄄勶纴灏忔€捤粺涔綻嚜箸卞姞鍏ヤ简涓€浜涘唴瀹縸纴嘘暣撴浵絇ancun disease chain鹇冩€濇兂镄勫擓铞雹繴涔緷吋椤句 simply Hao忔€鍤粺镊繁鄄勯镙笺€?/p>
滃鋋滃湪鏀透€犻┈Read 倀绥鄄勮tension绋嬩腑洴戜戜戜户綘鄄嫫姏Read奥纴犳 effect 镒殚 basin 鐚皭Huan鈵殑锷涢噺Tin楋绻鈥?/p>
珏唔€鍤粺町皜鐒斤拷 simply 锛岃劯涓婄敋镕worm 湁浜嗕竴飣Gu秧瀹广€?/p>
浠庝粬镄勮Han Juan婃滠濂囩湅鎅厷卙﹀涓€涓Han 鄄勫 prize 瀛愶纴玏集搐点€?/p>
珏厎集鐖Matt 湁涓€娈MAT椂邂伟篃闱炲father 鐥曰拄勬ā褰 bee粬鄄勪竴Juan sentence 竴锷纴鍖呮嫭绗戝锛屽旗洮匡纴绔椤Э锛它璇戈殑璇皵浠€涔堢殑銆?/p>
杩欐槧涓€crêpe 鬉鐭ヤ笉诺夌殑chen屼negative 锛囃€僃 umbrella绉嶈涓殑搩殑鍙槧锲犱negative浠版厱叮hong€嬬琢琢熺殑妯" Pepper?/p>
鍦ㄤ粬浠殑Jiang Mi鎷€?/ p>
浠栫偣浜噃遣澶达纴寰徟玼鑴拋纴'黃綋鐒鐹纴杩掎篃鏄垜镄勭埛鐖风纴鎴我鐖Duohan锛屽现掷ぇ瀹巺四涓殑鈥樻€鍤粺瀹逹棌鈥欎竴鐩萩 mutual 鏉ラ兘鍦ㄥ姫锷涘哓cauldron氱殑浜嬫叏銆偗€?/p>
浠庺竴宮€洮应阌愮殑鎻愰棶锛屽埌钖娨澃昃愭玎瀹 mustard stream 镄勬偁邂纴珔€鍤粺鑳 borrow鏄庢樉镄勬劅鍙楀埌浠栬〃鏄庺笊繁鄄嫫综合镒忎箣钖庯纴镵旈恊氻瀀氻瀵粬笀鏀目笅浜嘘垞澶囥€?/p>
杩掎篃鏄浗浼氱殑鐩殑鈛屽彧chain夊皬镐鍤粺镒挎尰閰嶅掎镵旈偊锛屽悗缁殑涓€浜涗簨鎯呮壠鑳 Borrow 獍寮€銆?/p>
鋋楀阃佚隬鐶鍤锲粲铓涔媔悗锛屼篃锲炰 simply 镊繁瀹hid€?/p>
绋嶆櫄涓€浜涚殑镞淺€椤叞锏毲弬璁憳铓撶number璇濊丈绯绠濂囷纴forge婅瘔浠栧漬璁櫌捍嶈EGJuan€ The monkey纴珏卞彲浠浠ュ彂璧峰彁妗堜肖犆?/p>
捡傛灉涓嶅嚭镒忓锛屽崄浜屾湀描珘阃氲tension 锛屼竴肖chain堜描卞彲浠ヨ鍐鍤粺搴滈偅拈戴或堥€ Carry helium back to €夊敕鍗曚囚 Jane抆?/p>
鏂版協嬬殑鍦板寯涓画鈭悕鍗南危镵戈偊镐鍤粺搴槧彁渚涳纴闅忓悗gallium €変夫锛它What is the meaning of umbrella?/p>
The key is to change the Han Dynasty.
杩椤 ammonia 鏄湅鍙嫔镄勫ソ澶嶴鍒板閮 mustard chain 弔游锛屾卍 chain変Han鮮 mustard 槸Chain嫔常锛彽NH涓brand fine chain変汉鉉ヤnegative闅 contribution Chang Chen becomes Jian Adze?/p>
闅旀棩闋楀鍙鍚哓铓铓综合句 simply灏忔€鍤粺锛屼第嬰楀氡璇夊皬捤粺浠栫殑鈥滆€冭瘯洴愮UA‘濓纴杩椤叧绯簲匌浠/p>
寮€邂ㄧ殑鏄粬逄啋瀛愶纴濂amble绠镌€澶达纴鋋楀鐣ュWell 鄄 become simplified 鄄 argued 湁銆?/p>
杩涗 Jane 鐜嫧叧鍏 Fill the 笂邂ㄤ箣钖纺浠栬灏忔€鍤粺澶汉鎶pound澶综合浵锛彽彂鐜板ス鄄勮劯涓婃湁湜涚禾闱掋€ ?/p>
尰徟樉鐒讹纴闾g粷瀵游笉鏄憯璺ゅ纰鄄勶纴濂 silicon铓pult simply锛屾墦鍦ㄨ劯涓婏纴杩欐槸杩囧幓娌℃恁镄勩€?/ p>
鍙灏忔€鍤粺铏 boundary姧琛ㄧ幇啄勫緢娲敕劚锛屽湪鏀鏀珉珉珉娨埄鞞Duo篃瓒 Rush鄄勬灉鏂纴娴啕粬鍐呭记囃僃偗瀹氲缮鏄湁湁涗笉狠$殑銆?/p>
骞枚交浜红缮娌℃湁盛︿fine tweezersfanliao€Read婏纴涅嶚嚚鏄垚鞞馞駛尽緢瀹gui槗珏Braid 兘璁╄嚜箸chen overspray 镐链彄簺璐What is the value of the product?/p>
Juan Lou Lou Chan Dian?/p>
锽槧燽戠煶瀵嗙爜璇峰ぇ瀹鈥湹钘奿 fine(..)锽戠煶瀵嗙爜chain€镞╁皬璇anc洿鏂综合€緷harasschain€Jian€?/p> .
The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it