Righteousness is very important. On the surface, people in the Federation and even people in this world do not seem to value "righteousness", but in fact this is not the case.
During the Great Depression, the federal government suppressed foreign capital and prevented assets from fleeing the country on the grounds that they evaded taxes.
A naval battle broke out with Gaevra on the grounds of destroying pirates.
The reason for forcefully intervening in Nagaril society is to help them achieve common prosperity!
I won’t mention the outcome, but every starting point is on the side of absolute justice, and no one can find fault.
You cannot say that tax inspections are wrong, nor can you say that eradicating pirates is wrong.
A right beginning does not necessarily have a right ending, but it must be right at the beginning so that people can accept it emotionally.
Most people want others to be good people, and these righteousnesses are just to satisfy people's thoughts.
I am a good person and I fight for justice!
People care about righteousness, and the little president is where Marillo's "righteousness" lies.
In a closed-door meeting of the Senate, someone asked Senator Langdon this question. If a Mariroan official is appointed, people will inevitably think of the junior president.
What happens when they ask the young president to take on an important position?
We can't really let the little president return to Marillo and become a big president, right?
Senator Langdon also gave a very direct answer - the young president will side with the federation!
No one knows about Senator Langdon, or no one knows how Lynch did it. Isn't this amazing?
There's nothing magical about it. It's not magical when you become friends with someone and you genuinely care for them.
The guys who could become gambling gods on TV were sitting at the gambling table playing with their chips. The young president was sitting on the sofa and watching carefully. It was obvious that he was very interested.
Even when Lynch came, he didn't completely take his attention away from the TV.
"Even during the broadcast, I can feel the anxious atmosphere. I really don't know what the atmosphere is like at the scene!"
"If you like, we can go and have a look."
Lynch gave a good suggestion, and he organized the event anyway.
The young president nodded repeatedly, "When?"
"End of the year!"
Even if the competition now goes beyond the finals, the finals will be held at the end of the year.
In this way, it will become a routine in the future. Competitions and year-end finals will be held at the end of the year. People will have more opportunities to participate and have more expectations for the finals.
After chatting for a few words, the young president's attention shifted to Lynch.
"I didn't know you were coming today."
He turned the TV down instead of off.
Lin Qi told the reason for coming without hesitation, "I have something I want to talk to you about."
He seemed to be smiling, but the little president could feel his seriousness at this time, and the little president himself became serious, "Of course, let's go to the study."
It's the weekend and Lynch hasn't seen his wife, but it's a family matter.
In the study, Lynch talked about the Marillos who had surrendered.
"After I went back that day, a day or two later, some of them found me and expressed their willingness to offer their loyalty to me."
…."I thought about it for a long time and decided to talk to you about it. I don't want people who don't actually have much to do with us to ruin our relationship."
The young president did not look so good-looking at first, but when he heard that Lynch valued their friendship so much, the ugly expression on his face immediately disappeared.
"Lynch, we are friends, good friends. You have helped me a lot. I have no reason to doubt you."
"Actually, to be honest, my impression of these people is only limited to their names, or some vague deeds."
"I was very young when I came to the Federation and I didn't even know what they did, except when I asked who I could trust, my mother told me these people had always been in contact with us."
"Compared to them, I don't want to lose you as a friend!"
The young president actually felt a little guilty, because he was a little unhappy and dissatisfied just now, and even felt that something was wrong with Lynch.
But when Lynch said something later, he became ashamed again. He felt like a villain!
Teenagers' thoughts are not as complex as adults', and they are more changeable and simpler.
Lynch is good at communicating with different people. He gave the young president the most direct feedback, and the young president also gave the most direct feedback.
Lin Qi smiled and explained some things more clearly, as well as the reasons why he did what he did.
"Your identity is very delicate. Until now, some people still hope that members of the presidential family can lead Mariro to get rid of federal control and become independent and strong again."
"This is actually very dangerous!"
The young president's expression also became serious. He actually didn't have much impression of Marillo, but he knew too much about the Federation!
The power of the Federation has just been proven to the world through military operations. If he is really regarded as a "savior" by some people, it is very likely that the powerful Federation will turn around and deal with him!
He is just an ordinary person and does not want to take on these responsibilities.
I have to say that the federal education is indeed very suitable, and the young president has no intention of competing for hegemony.
Lin Qi didn't wait for him to speak and gave him a cigarette. After the two of them got together, Lin Qi continued -
"You are a very different character. In a sense, you represent the 'legitimacy' of the Marillo regime, which is very sensitive."
“Politics is always dirtier than meets the eye, we’ve talked about this before!”
The young president nodded. The last time they talked, Lynch had told him almost directly why the federal government wanted to help him arrange a dance and why his mother wanted to help him choose a wife.
He is only sixteen years old!
Just because he must be controllable, and all his wife's mission requires is a child, and it doesn't even matter if it is his child!
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The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it