Wizard: Live Hard and You Will Become Stronger
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 299
051: Harpies and Banshees216052: Ruins217001: Midway Port218002: Liars and Books219003: Coordinates and Treasure Maps220004: Attack221005: Attack222006: Landing223007: Thunderstorm224008: Sage225Take a Day Off226009: Journey in the Ruins227010: Plan228011: Bait229012: Capture230013: Scroll of Slavery Contract231014: Scroll of Slavery Contract (Part 2)232015: Driving the Unicorn Carriage233016: Entering the Wasteland of Ruins234017: Skeleton235018: Resurrected Dead236019: Mysterious Blue Crystal237020: Ways Other than Meditation238021: Bounty Hunter in Desperate Situation239022: Take Action240Take a Day Off!241023: Bounty Hunters242024: On the Road Again243025: Before Medium244026: Treasure Hunters245027: Tide of the Dead246028: Tide of the Dead (Part 2)247029: Clues to the Ruins248030: Departure249031: Search250032: Everyone’s Common Discovery.251033: Repair252034: After Opening253035: Going Back in Time?254036: Monks in the Church255037: Archbishop256038: Time Fragments257039: What About the Future?258040: Treasure259041: Time Law260042: Come Back261043: Lina's Thoughts262044: Digging263045: Arrogant Apprentice264046: Take Action265