Mages Are Too OP
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 824
Cheat Another One731New Discovery732Magic Nuke733God's Disagreement734The Goddess of Magic Is Also a Great Writer735Angels Are Stronger than Fairies736Clues Come737We Are Missing Real Professionals738Sad Elf739Hold You740Extra: Paine's Love and Rage741Please Take a Leave of Absence, I Cleaned up for a Day Today, and Prepared742Love and Hate Know No Boundaries743Contents of the Book744Taste Better745The Lich Played with the Holster746You Can't Research747Finally Another Mission748Another Cave749Manipulation Is Not Necessarily a Bad Idea750Coincidence Is in Fact Inevitable751Negotiate with God752The Gods Give In753Dog Men and Women754You Forced Me755You Better Really Have756Another Day Off Today, Sorry.757Are You Legendary?758Divine Communion for Short759Neat and Tidy760Solisa's Information761Demon's Test762Here We Come763Big Move Is Waiting for You764The Sanctuary Is a Sieve, Anyone Can Enter765You Don't Know the Seriousness of the Matter766Double Happiness767Aquaman's Secret Skill: Casting a Net768The Temple of Light Is Abolished769Build the Core of the Floating City770I Am Roland771I Don't Want You to Interfere772Unlucky God773Go Back to the Kingdom of God774I Couldn't Stand It Anymore, I Was so Sleepy that I Couldn't Open My Eyes, so I Asked for a Day Off.775Startled Away776Cheap You777Encounter Dragons778Silver Dragon Secret779The Sacrifice of the White Dragon780