The Self-Cultivation of the Passer-By Hero
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 787
Yuko's Determination636Fate637Late Change638Innocence that Cannot Be Given Up639Its with Her Weakness640Update Notification641Reverse642Passers-By643Wish You Happiness Forever644There Has Never Been a Dragon God645Mundane Affairs--646The Essence of the Goddess647Retreat!648No.? Chapter Wake Up649No.? ? Chapter Competition650No.? ? ? Chapter Team651No.? ? ? ? Chapter Strong Enemy652No.? ? ? ? ? Chapter Victory or Defeat653Dream Butterfly654Strange Times655The Protection of Two Gods656Unexpected/Unexpected657Hakurei and the Miko658Updates Officially Resumed659Different Old Friends in Memory660Chang'e's Whereabouts661Object of Hatred662The God Who Surrendered663Restless Night664Mysterious Person665Goddess' Means666Constant Goal667Chips668Plan669Adam670Weaknesses of the Weapon of Sin671A Sure Shot672Desperate Situation673Last Light674The End of a Hero675Unacceptable Reality676Curse of the Goddess677Mellie678The Hollowness of Heart679When All Hope Is Given Up680The One Who Knows Everything681The Truth Was Finally Revealed682The Final Journey683Strange World684There's only a World Where You Don't Exist685