The End of the Paleozoic Era Chapter 1919: Inside the Expedition Ship
They are not acting completely at random.
This unit still has an individual who can be called a commander.
This individual will occasionally give the troops orders to perform actions other than hunting down the enemy.
This is a very interesting phenomenon. Under the order of the commander, the mixed army intends to start blowing up the entire base.
...including themselves.
They don't care.
They took out countless explosives, bombs, explosive weapons, etc., and then they aimed these weapons at the surrounding walls, ground, and ceiling.
"Quick, blow them up! Their doom is approaching! Come, let us perish together in destruction!"
They regard killing the enemy as more important than anything else, not even their own lives.
Then, a devastating explosion occurred... Lin did not dub it, but if you watch it from high in the sky, you can see that the explosion caused countless cracks on the surface of the ground, and the weapons buried underground also stopped attacking.
It is not known whether it was because of the impact or because the base was bombed and control was lost.
In the explosion, many Ershi people did not have time to escape, but some of them were teleported to a distant underground base in time.
After the explosion, the warships in the sky stopped shooting at the ground and flew towards... the Ershiminbie base.
They...seem to know the location of the Ershi people's base.
After all, they had sent troops underground to launch a sneak attack. Although Lin was not completely clear about the reason, she felt that this was... taking advantage of the Ershi people's teleportation function.
The Ershi people are teleported using an Ershi organ, but perhaps the control of this teleportation is not perfect.
Simply put, the expedition's warships can also contact this organ and use it for transmission...
But how it is connected is very strange...
However, if it can make contact, it can easily find out the location of all the Ershimin bases, after all, the transmission is connected to each base.
This individual will occasionally give the troops orders to perform actions other than hunting down the enemy.
This is a very interesting phenomenon. Under the order of the commander, the mixed army intends to start blowing up the entire base.
...including themselves.
They don't care.
They took out countless explosives, bombs, explosive weapons, etc., and then they aimed these weapons at the surrounding walls, ground, and ceiling.
"Quick, blow them up! Their doom is approaching! Come, let us perish together in destruction!"
They regard killing the enemy as more important than anything else, not even their own lives.
Then, a devastating explosion occurred... Lin did not dub it, but if you watch it from high in the sky, you can see that the explosion caused countless cracks on the surface of the ground, and the weapons buried underground also stopped attacking.
It is not known whether it was because of the impact or because the base was bombed and control was lost.
In the explosion, many Ershi people did not have time to escape, but some of them were teleported to a distant underground base in time.
After the explosion, the warships in the sky stopped shooting at the ground and flew towards... the Ershiminbie base.
They...seem to know the location of the Ershi people's base.
After all, they had sent troops underground to launch a sneak attack. Although Lin was not completely clear about the reason, she felt that this was... taking advantage of the Ershi people's teleportation function.
The Ershi people are teleported using an Ershi organ, but perhaps the control of this teleportation is not perfect.
Simply put, the expedition's warships can also contact this organ and use it for transmission...
But how it is connected is very strange...
However, if it can make contact, it can easily find out the location of all the Ershimin bases, after all, the transmission is connected to each base.
This is a very interesting phenomenon. Under the order of the commander, the mixed army intends to start blowing up the entire base.
...including themselves.
They don't care.
They took out countless explosives, bombs, explosive weapons, etc., and then they aimed these weapons at the surrounding walls, ground, and ceiling.
"Quick, blow them up! Their doom is approaching! Come, let us perish together in destruction!"
They regard killing the enemy as more important than anything else, not even their own lives.
Then, a devastating explosion occurred... Lin did not dub it, but if you watch it from high in the sky, you can see that the explosion caused countless cracks on the surface of the ground, and the weapons buried underground also stopped attacking.
It is not known whether it was because of the impact or because the base was bombed and control was lost.
In the explosion, many Ershi people did not have time to escape, but some of them were teleported to a distant underground base in time.
After the explosion, the warships in the sky stopped shooting at the ground and flew towards... the Ershiminbie base.
They...seem to know the location of the Ershi people's base.
After all, they had sent troops underground to launch a sneak attack. Although Lin was not completely clear about the reason, she felt that this was... taking advantage of the Ershi people's teleportation function.
The Ershi people are teleported using an Ershi organ, but perhaps the control of this teleportation is not perfect.
Simply put, the expedition's warships can also contact this organ and use it for transmission...
But how it is connected is very strange...
However, if it is connected, it can easily find out the location of all the Ershimin bases, after all, the transmission is connected to each base.
This is a very interesting phenomenon. Under the order of the commander, the mixed army intends to start blowing up the entire base.
...including themselves. But perhaps the control of this not perfect.
Simply put, the expedition's warships can also contact this organ and use it for transmission...
But how it is connected is very strange...
However, if it is connected, it can easily find out the location of all the Ershimin bases, after all, the transmission is connected to each base.
This is a very interesting phenomenon. Under the order of the commander, the mixed army intends to start blowing up the entire base.
...including themselves. The mixed forces intend to start bombing the entire base.
...including themselves. Know the location of all the Ershimin bases, after all, the transmission is connected to each base
This is quite interesting. Under the order of the commander, the mixed army intends to start blowing up the entire base.