The Wizard Who Came to Marvel World
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 427
Unexpected Conflict (5/5)125Abel's Weakness126Aquaman Namor127Magic Power128Added a Plot of About 600 Words, You Can Watch It Again...129Variety130There Is No Change Today, the State Is Extremely Poor, I Can't Write It, and I Will Make It up in the Future.131Stark Pharmaceuticals (1/4)132Transaction (Two/Thursday)133Transaction Completion (Third/Thursday)134Tomorrow Morning135Coveted (Yesterday Thursday/Thursday)136One After Another137Inferno Curse and Oblivion Ray138Pool Water139Tony's College Gift140Battered Victor141Thor Comes Again142The Avengers Project Begins!143Eve144Deal with S.H.I.E.L.D.1451st Dispatch146Variety147Obsidian 5 General, Death Blade General! Superstar!148Repel149Battle of New York150Obsidian 5 Is Coming Again151The Bite of the Blood Shark!152Ebony Throat153Cosmic Rubik's Cube154Variation of Space Gems155Parallel Universe156Accident157Not an Update, but 1 Explanation.158There Is No Update Today, Modify the Following Two Chapters159X Academy160Ask for Help161The Most Powerful Wand Ever1623 Parties Converge163Space Gem164Wake165Testimonials166Apocalypse167Restraint of Ability168The Apocalypse of Escape and Charles' Attempt169Foreboding170Undercurrent171Eric's Choice172Apocalypse 4 Knights173Great War174