The Magician of the Fairy Tale World
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 183
The Kingdom of Sleeping Beauty1Strange "Prescription"2Naming Sleeping Beauty3Witch and 12 Golden Plates4A World of Mixed Fairy Tales? !5The Baptism Ceremony Begins6Crazy Black Witch7The Power of Blessing8Curse9Big Melee10The Child with the Curse11Mr. Rhine Has One More Chance to Bless!12The Prophet Who Knows the Future13The Future in the Mirror14Happy National Day!15The Inevitable Curse16The Legendary Warrior17Blessing18Three Things the Sage Told Me19The Legend of the Magician First Spread20The Magician of Oz (Part 1)21The Magician of Oz (Part 2)22The Confusion of the Black Witch23The Growth of the Little Princess24The Swordsman Fled25The Soldier and the Tinderbox26The Legend of the Imprisoned Princess27The Princess Was Kidnapped and the Kidnapper Is Very Dangerous28The Monster in the Girl's Skin29The Soldier's Last Wish30The Ending of the Tinderbox31Am I a Princess?32The Road Not Taken33The Princess on the Battlefield34The Journey of the Sage and the King35Two Brothers Who Collect Fairy Tales36Legend of Mermaids and Shipwrecks37Is This What Humans Are Like?38Talking Physics to Mermaids39Meeting the Mermaid Princess by Chance!40The Shock of the Sea King41The Mermaid Princess's Wish42The Reward the Sea Witch Demands43Immortal Soul44Answers Before Asking45Reward: The Sea Witch's Alchemy46Ariel's Request47Rhine's Free Magic Potion48Gift From the Mermaid Princess49Excited Mermaid Grandmother50