The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 813
Flexible Stance730The Era of Belligerence731The Day the Stars Fell732Godless Age733New Prophecy734Prophecy of Car Crash735A Chariot About to Run Out of Control736Hach's Method737The Battle for the Bottom Line738The Farce Closest to the Truth739Got Stuck740Disaster Strikes741Aftermath742Written Request for Leave743Elven Empire744Shadow in White Clothes745Recreate the Coup746Vampire Appears747Make Things Difficult748Evil Spirit749Rolling Chariot750Breath of War751Restoration752Battle of the Bakhor Tribe753Political Manipulation754War Proposal755Written Request for Leave756War Breaks Out757Happy New Year758The Situation Is Out of Control759Emergency Medical Treatment760Run Away761Political Battle762The Wheel of the Times763Plan Within Plan764Divide Into Zeros765Servant Army766Advance with Great Success767Strategic Realignment768Raid the Camp769Everyone Flees when Disaster Strikes770Tragic Counterattack771Destroy the Orc Empire772Killing Someone with a Borrowed Knife773Rules Collapse774Aftermath775A Request for Leave776A Thorn in the Eye777Seizing the Initiative778Brutal War779