Counterfeit Hero
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 922
Condition775Bet776Next777General Guangzhu778Masterpiece779Space Carrier780Or....781Exercise Begins782Go to War783Heartbeat784It’s Not that the Updates Are Ineffective. I Always Write Slowly in the Climax.785Fierce Fighting786End or Start787Reminder788Waiting789One Voice Conversation790Presidential Election Begins791The Beginning Is the End (Two Chapters in a Row)792VIP Chapter List Chapter 114 Tonight793Let's All Act794Justice!795Counting Results796Volume 118: Flag Sacrifice!797Call a Deer a Horse798Seven Trillion799War God Double800Near801Great Changes802Past Events and People (Double Chapter803Battle Plan804Attack805Return!806Lightning Strike807Desik's Calculation808Surrounding Point809Call for Aid810Deadly Shadow811Time!812Information813Wake814Pride815Corporal and Lieutenant Colonel816Collide!817Two Hours818Return!819Everyone Has Their Own Plans820Hit Hard!821Block Out the Sky and the Sun822Have Not Thought823Real824