Counterfeit Hero
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 922
Remember761Secret762That Year763Breakout764Scheme Against Li Fo765The First One766Fourth Car767Nth Car768Look!769The Curtain Falls770External Chapter. The Story of the Fat Man and the Fat Cat771Presidential Candidate772Kidnapping |773Changes in the Situation774Condition775Bet776Next777General Guangzhu778Masterpiece779Space Carrier780Or....781Exercise Begins782Go to War783Heartbeat784It’s Not that the Updates Are Ineffective. I Always Write Slowly in the Climax.785Fierce Fighting786End or Start787Reminder788Waiting789One Voice Conversation790Presidential Election Begins791The Beginning Is the End (Two Chapters in a Row)792VIP Chapter List Chapter 114 Tonight793Let's All Act794Justice!795Counting Results796Volume 118: Flag Sacrifice!797Call a Deer a Horse798Seven Trillion799War God Double800Near801Great Changes802Past Events and People (Double Chapter803Battle Plan804Attack805Return!806Lightning Strike807Desik's Calculation808Surrounding Point809Call for Aid810