Strange Era: An Exclusive Talent Every Month
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
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Home751Ranking752Completed Novels753Novel Categories754My Bookshelf755My Book Reviews756Reading Records757Feedback758Simplified Chinese759Traditional Chinese760Home761Ranking762Completed Novels763Categories764My Bookshelf765Reading Records766Offer One Hundred Thousand Gold Coins!767Clothes of the Abyss768A Treasure Chest with Purple Air and Golden Scales!769End the Competition for This Month's List with Gold Coins!770Thirteen Tulip Petals771Crazy Fishing Fantasy Treasure Box772This Month's Ranking Is Concluded773Two-Time Champion Chen Ye774New Exclusive Talent [Infinite Deduction]775The Powerful Functions of the New Exclusive Talent!776Leave the Land of Oblivion777Decide the Best Route778The Remains of the Dragon Clan779What an Awesome Luck Aura!780Word Spirit781Playing the Music of the Dragon Clan782The Instrument of Authority Left by the Sages783Ancient Country784Dragon Totem785God-Level Operation!786Chen Ye's Pulling787The Lost Scorching Sun788The Layout of the Ancients789Hidden Movement?790Obtain [Ancient Dragon Seal], a Gift of Historical Legend Level!791Obtain a New Instrument of Authority [Time Authority]792The Authority "Returned" To Chen Ye by the Sage? Shocked the Time Merchant!793Open the Power of Authority and Pull the Dragon Totem!794Go to the Dragon Temple and Choose a Dragon Body!795The Third Month of Ranking Competition796Tips for the Exclusive Talent [Blood Word Research]797[Dragon Egg] Inherited by the Sages798Choose the Inheritance of the Dragon Palace!799The Dragon Egg that Changed the Entire Era!800