Galaxy Shattering Blade
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 3409
He's Gone?2659Human Genius2660Underworld Secrets2661I'm Just Going to Get Tokens2662Must Die2663That's Okay Too?2664Go 1 Step First!26659 Epochs2666The 8th Chaos Abyss2667He Is Just Tired26681 Day Off2669Walk Alone2670Will Shock2671Human Beings Are Scary2672Emperor Qin Yuanxin2673The 9th Chaos Abyss2674Yellow Spring2675Big Chance!2676Let Me Think Again2677No Regrets2678Sick……2679Take Home2680Perfect Inner Universe2681The Strength of Metamorphosis2682Source Chaos Lord2683Yellow Spring2684He Has Let Go2685Organize an Outline Today2686God's Tribunal of Universe 72687Ancestor Apparition2688Bewitched?2689Not Worth It2690Thank You Teacher26913 Messages2692Uncle2693No One Can Move Him2694Go or Stay2695The Tree Wants to Be Quiet, but the Wind Does Not Stop2696Cosmic Giant War269714 Yuan Zun2698The Strongest Yuan Zun2699Here Will Always Be Your Home2700Count Me in Then2701Number 118,814,400...2702Broken Star Island2703Nemo2704Path of the Venerable27051 Fatty Fish27066 Wonders2707Smash Your Discus2708