The Wizard Is Coming
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 578
Dark Walk (1/3)304Bing Divided Into 2 Roads (Two/Three)305Blue Fox and Randall (Yesterday 3/3)306Plan307Randall's Surrender? (One Three)308Outside Baishi City (2/3)309The Strength of the Blue Fox (Yesterday 3/3)310War3113 Digits 1 Body (One/Two)312Kill the Blue Fox (2/2)313Something Happened, No More Today314Nian Beast (1/2)315The Star and Moon Family (2/2)316Deny (1/2)317Letters and Solangoya University (Yesterday 2/2)318Before Leaving (1/2)319Weird Attack (Yesterday 2/2)320Monster321Solved (1/2)322Regeneration (Two/Two)323New Journey (1/3)324On the Train (2/3)325Magic Girl (3/3)326Mixed In? (One Three)327Update the Following 2 Chapters Tomorrow Morning328Infighting (Yesterday Tuesday/Wednesday)329Note (Yesterday Wednesday/Wednesday)330Temptation (1/3)331Breaking Illusion (Yesterday Tuesday/Wednesday)332The End of Temptation (3/3)333Entry (1/3)334Survey (2/3)335Itachi's Resurrection (1/2)336Beckinsale (Three/Three)337Okins Hill (1/3)338Encounter (2/3)339Underworld (Yesterday 3/3)340Todd341Discovery (1/3)342The Silent Man (2/3)343The Ability of Nian Beast (Yesterday 3/3)344The Looming Silent Man345Chat346Exam Begins347Balorim348Todd vs Ballorium349Misfortune Diverted to the East350Kill Everything351Live352Quiet353