The FBI director understood Lynch's power better than anyone else.
What he has now is more than simple wealth and so-called capital strength.
His political allies and control of Congress include Blackstone Security, which he has expanded to more than 40,000 people, and his military-industrial complex.
These all mean that Lynch is the one who can truly stand firm.
He is still very young, only twenty-nine years old. If he can live to be seventy, then he still has forty-one years of his own.
And in these forty-one years, Lynch will only get stronger and stronger.
Many people are waiting for Lynch to lose once, but the director does not think Lynch will lose.
Because the most difficult period of the Federation has passed, Lynch has never lost in such a complicated environment, let alone the period of great development that will follow.
Especially when he led people to capture Joanna, he also realized that maybe Lynch was hiding more than he thought!
The distant light focus was so crowded that no one noticed those standing outside the light.
And these people are also hiding in the shadows smoothly, just like all the "masterminds", quietly, undetected, and integrated with the whole world.
The Progressive Party nominated two main candidates this time, one is Connor and the other is a runner.
In addition, Gladstone also hopes that others will come forward and express their intention to participate in the election.
There is no threshold for election. Anyone can participate in the election.
Whether it is a mayoral race, a gubernatorial race, or a federal presidential race, there are no thresholds.
Anyone, whether they are doctors, lawyers, soldiers, accountants, or homeless people on the roadside, can express their demands for the only position that they will compete with others for!
The bar for running for president is low, but the ceiling is high.
At the very least, you have to let people know you. You have to convince everyone that you are the savior in order to achieve final success!
Gladstone's idea was to increase Connor's support through some "celebrity support."
The so-called "election assistance", to put it bluntly, is to use the special emotional connection of "we are our own people" to firmly grasp some votes that would not have been produced in one's own hands.
For example, Gladstone suggested that the most popular and popular male celebrities in the Federation should also participate in the election——
"Almost all of us here have seen your movie. I think you have very good public support. Even if it fails, it is a successful hype!"
The actor is a supporter of the Progressive Party. The Progressive Party's enlightenment in some political concepts has made a very special contribution to the development of the film industry.
The actor may have talked to Gladstone about it before he said these words, at least before today.
The hesitation he showed at this time and the persuasion of people around him were all like well-rehearsed movie clips.
Finally, he agreed to Gladstone's request and announced his participation in the general election two years later.
People also applauded the actor. Most people who can be invited to such a meeting are smart enough.
Lynch also took a look at the male star. He was in his forties, with handsome appearance and gentleman-like demeanor. He was very popular among movie fans.
....The people of the Federation still have an inexplicable trust in their idols. The idols have not yet been corrupted by the capitalists. At least at this stage, more detailed methods cannot be used.
He will definitely be able to get a lot of votes. Now because of the war, female votes have become equal to male votes. This is his advantage.
Lynch can even guess the next script. When the election enters the next stage, the male star will definitely withdraw from the election for various reasons.
He may withdraw from the election with reasons such as "I realize my shortcomings and realize that I am not strong enough to shoulder such a responsibility now."
But when he withdraws, he will also send another message to the voters who support him-
"Mr. Connor and I have talked many times. Although we are competitors, we both appreciate each other!"
"Mr. Connor is a politician with great ideals and means. I believe that the Federation will go to a better place under his leadership..."
It's probably some content like this that turns supporters into Connor supporters.
This seems... a bit useless?
In fact, this is not the case, because among the supporters of male celebrities are not only supporters of the Progressive Party, but also supporters of the Conservative Party!
It will not be easy for Connor to win over Conservative supporters. Voter antagonism is an ongoing and unsolvable problem.
But male stars can handle this part well.
People who turn to support Connor will think that they are not supporting Connor, but still supporting the male star.
Connor will not show excessive enthusiasm for this group of supporters, causing the opposite effect!
Politicians always have various ways to gain more support from voters, and using electoral support is only one of them.
Gladstone was active and so was Connor.
Gladstone needs to push Connor to win the election to stabilize his position. Only with the emergence of a president whom he personally put into power will no one try to challenge him.
He can sit in this position until he retires, just like his "teacher".
During the second half of the party, everyone was talking about their speculations about the future and some issues related to the federal economic development.
Inevitably, Buppain's expansion plan was also discussed.
Eight years have passed since the last expansion of Bupen. In these eight years, the scale of the city expanded by Bupen has once again made people feel crowded.
And with the victory of the war, more people immigrated to the Federation, and international capital moved in, Bupen did need a new round of expansion.
In addition to these, some people, led by male celebrities, were invited to the party, and people with a certain social reputation were discussing relatively ordinary issues.
Income, taxes, living conditions, etc...
When the party was about to end, Gladstone found Lynch again and made an appointment with him.
This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!
捡悛灉搴风恐搪琺殑鑳 borrow洴愪negative涓嬩竴浠paint€捤粺锛崽浠浵絇簃篃鏄竴浠躺ソ浜娨€?/p>
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The negative effect is that the hydrogen is fine and the hydrogen is fine and dry.楀婧娉ㄧ殑HUAN╁Ξ涔嫔锛屾柉鍏板Ξ涔熺涓€娆¤繘鍏ヤ SIMPLE 涓嶅皯浜红殑诺噙涓€?/p>
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Huanwuchen braid涓hou纴鍜屽埆浜hong鍙纴浠ュ强搚偅浜涘ぇ浜红姿咁ゅ彲锛屾樉鐒 rudder 槸涓嶅悓镄勬 Jian Diaobi
濂姉尰楁湁恣 graduates纴浠ュ悗Huanmaixixilang囧匌猌村绫冩 Skills 鄄勬叏鍐点€囗€?/p>
鈥滈偅浜涘ぇ浜红梿浼氲tension鉉ヤ汉鍒囩殑鍜屼綘铴崑 forging alkali 纺浠浠栦 slippery 鄄嫋瀯缮浼氭尳镌€锵捑鑳petting The beautiful scenery
鈥滀笉杩囦綘寰楀皬鈇杩掎簺濂搪嬭pound鉉ュ緢浜insert拰锛彽彲 Neem ShoulderⅡ阆揿ス浠氪涓brand-fine闅愯棌浠€涔堢氰锄婩€嗗€?/p>
Cang姍chain夊拰鋋楀娌″姧绯獤殑闂锛屼綘鍙 Mutual Xuan Cui篃鍙 mutual trickle 鈶銆南€?/p>
Huan╁Ξ枞汉渚у潗镌€锛岃哗闱銵潃鏋楀锛屾拠浜旘拠鍢达纴鈥滃彧彽外围潽UMdder涓driven浜眜 Disease Chain夎寰椾涘涓刈€殮chu涔嫔尠锛屽NH绠楁槸镐鍤粺涔緷缑镦ч【抵殑鎯厯华锛€?/p>
邂叞濡啀涓€娆″四鏂issue simply瀵gui滠濂囩殑璁ょ煡锛岃UM涔緷お涓嶅彲嶐涐濊浜嗭紒
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What is the difference between the two?/p>
瀵游簬奇濆畧鍏水鍏麄闋楀镄勫叧娉ㄥ苋涶お澶氥€?/p>….鍦ㄨ仈闾︼纴qi濆畧鍏揩拰杩涙Hydrogen The village is the most popular Jian Zhang's words What is the relationship between the two?
璁╁涓厷娲组helium spin 掎揽鏀匡纴璁╅偅浜涘湪褰cum铓фconvergence chain熼棿瀵gui墽鏀掷浜х擓镐ㄦ仺镄勪Han杩涘円鍙﹀ 涓€涓厷娲 fear彂鍏夊彂鐑€?/p>
珏卞嚚Chain変竴浜涢攼镒濔敼汱╃殑浜浼恗瀹 hydrogen fine 绔椤湪杩涙鍏氰 umbrella杈縸纴Key岄偅浜涙€濇兂搩 draft翆畧镄啪汉锛屽寯鏄瀹矚厷镄勬殮殸鎽€呫€?/p>
濡傛灉娌℃湁杩掎袱涓厷娲组negative姘戜第鎻愪緵鈥槧娌欌欌jun浠拉€溴绀绀码簰堟湁鍙兘浼氩彉寰椾竴Be careful Adze?/p>
浠栦篃浠庤 Umbrella 阃氱digit怀寰椼€ ?/p>
Tweezers are filled with 簬绀绀 Sentences that are fine and fine.
酅hydrogen 笂鏂叞濡彂鎸ヤ简浠ュ线箮疮综合综合夌垎鍙戣剄勭儹鎯呭拰婵€鎯咃纴姣喾箣铓嶅嚑娆$浉瀵Si 锷ㄧ殑/p>
濿 Chong浠兘夎处卽卽四堃缮chain夊緢寮hong殑琛ㄧ幇娆诧纴浠婂ぉ铓€诺佸埌鄄勪竴卒囧濂gui浵璇cum湁寰埚ぇ镄啫啕鍑hurt
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Huan 嗕粖澶╋纴涓€鍒獒兘琚墦禖肖笛?/p>
涓€涓Chuanke dress up 殑涓栫晫瀵rose ス铓揿紑浜嗗ぇ闂纴濂regulation兂鍒讑涓滆タ鍙兘杩树笉闾d箞镄勭书纭€?/p >
Huan嗗ス鐭ラ死锛屼replaced Huan枞姏閮秸駸鍙屽愄勶纴濂rose缑锷姫锷涗Jian锛?/p>
Juan Lou Lou Chan Dian?/p>
锽槧簩戶瀵嗙爜璇峰ぇ瀹雹湘钘奿 Details(..)甽戠煶瀵噙爜chain€澶暬笇燇簊昃緷harass chain€湇€?/p >.
The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it