Blackstone Crypto 2026
Blackstone Security's middle and high-level executives have a good relationship with the federal military and the Department of Defense.
The Federation is a society where everything is about money. They were colleagues in the past, and now they have become very rich. Whether it is the Ministry of Defense or the military, there will always be people who are willing to maintain relationships with them.
Maybe one day it will be useful?
Moreover, many soldiers now have the first goal of entering the safety of Blackstone after retirement.
Not to mention that the basic salary of Blackstone Security is much higher than that of ordinary jobs, and there are additional subsidies for field workers.
For example, for combat missions, the subsidy can be dozens of yuan a day. If you are an elite-level senior field agent in the company, a subsidy of hundreds of yuan a day is also very common!
If you're lucky, you work for a few years and get promoted to senior field service, and if you go on a combat mission for a month, your salary plus subsidies may be several thousand!
This is as good as an ordinary worker who has been working for more than a year!
Moreover, Blackstone Security not only has high income, but also has good benefits.
Family members of employees can enter various new comprehensive universities without taking exams, and it is easier to apply for student loans.
At the same time, Blackstone Security also has its own community and cooperative medical institutions. As long as you can enter Blackstone Security, you can say that you are guaranteed for your whole life!
Blackstone Security's benefits and benefits are so good that naturally everyone wants to join, including some mid-level officers, who also want to work at Blackstone Security when they retire.
Even if they can stay in the army forever, they will still hope that the soldiers with whom they have a good relationship can have a good place to go!
This provides the necessary reason and environment for the two parties to maintain their friendship. In addition, the relationship between Lynch and the military is already good. Now that everyone communicates frequently, there is no burden.
The sergeant mentioned this incident because one of his former friends complained to him.
His friend was a second lieutenant before and gained many military honors in the war. He has now been promoted to lieutenant colonel and has many people under his command.
As they chatted, the friend complained about having to go out again not long after returning.
Moreover, both inside and outside the words, it was revealed that going out this time was not a good thing.
The sergeant was very delicate and sensitive. He didn't know whether the news would be useful to Lynch, but he still said it.
What if it works?
Lynch didn't pay attention at first and asked casually, "Where are they going?"
"Amelia!", the sergeant blurted out.
The next second, Lynch seemed to have thought of something.
Amelia is a disputed area in this trilateral negotiation.
The exiled government of Gefra and a group of nobles believe that the leasing of the Amelia area is a matter for the government of Gefra and the local government themselves and has nothing to do with Pengeo.
Pengeo believes that the original area cession lease was signed under the auspices of the Pengeo government.
As the sovereign state, Pengeo's government also has the right to put forward its own views on the ownership of this part of the region.
Gefra was beaten to the point of annihilation, and Amelia should be returned to its original country.
But the people on Gefra's side were reluctant. The Amelia region was actually well built before the war broke out.
As the market gradually matures, coupled with the free market and new loose policies, capital is active, and regional government tax revenue has increased significantly.
.... At that time, everyone believed that within ten years, the tax revenue of the Amelia region would exceed the tax revenue of the main island, and it would become an important blood supply organ for Gaevra!
Now they want to take it back?
How can this be?
During the wrangling, it was finally decided that the country of origin and Gaevra would discuss the matter themselves, and neither Pengeo nor the Federation would be involved.
Lynch was also leading the negotiations on this matter, and their talks with the government of the country of origin were pretty good.
Pengeo was defeated by the Federation, and the order in the southeastern region of the world must be rewritten.
And no matter what, economic development has become an important event for various countries at this stage.
Gaevra has been very effective in promoting the development of the Amelia region. At the same time, Gaevra also has technical reserves that far exceed those of the local area.
[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo Reading recently to catch up on books. I can switch sources and read aloud with more sounds.
Although most of the talents have been plundered, the accumulation and precipitation of technology will not be scrapped just because some experts and scholars have been lost!
It may take some time to develop new things based on old technologies.
But what they have mastered is advanced enough.
Gefra provides technology as a medium to maintain the previous lease relationship, and the country of origin can also benefit from it.
The two sides actually had a good conversation, and there was no need to use force at all.
Mobilizing troops to Amelia at this time?
As the prince of Gaevra and the actual controller of the government-in-exile, Lynch immediately realized the consequences of doing so!
Unreasonable actions will only create contradictions and conflicts!
If an armed conflict occurs at this critical moment, the state of war will not end on January 1.
It is very likely that this sudden military conflict will continue for another three months to half a year!
For such a long time, no matter what Mr. Trueman had to do, it was enough!
He wants to create armed conflict and continue the power in his hands!
However, Lynch did not show his emotions, but changed the topic and talked about other things.
The staff sergeant has lost a lot of weight compared to the previous two years. He has a second child and his wife is urging him to lose weight.
They talked about relatively common things, and some of the things that should and should not be said were written down in a separate report to Lynch.
Not long after Lynch left Blackstone safely, a piece of gossip spread among some intelligence businessmen——
The federal president wants to deliberately create armed conflicts and continue the totalitarian power in his hands!
Ordinary people would at most laugh when they hear this, or pretend to talk to others about their opinions on this matter.
But for the few people who are waiting for Mr. Trueman to take off his invincible armor, this is no less than a bolt of lightning!
The electricity made their eyes black and their heads dizzy!
This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!
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The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it