Basic Description of Character Attributes in the DND System
Basic attributes have a great impact on characters. For example, strong people have a higher chance of surviving poisoning, keen people can find monsters hidden behind them more easily, and stupid people are not easy to find the secret path leading to buried treasures. door and so on.
1. Strength (STRENGTH, STR)
Strength quantifies the muscularity and physical strength of a character. This attribute is especially important for combat classes such as fighters, barbarians, paladins, and rangers.
The character's strength modifier will be used to:
· Melee attack rolls.
·Damage rolls when using melee weapons or thrown weapons (including slings). (Exception: The non-dominant hand only has half the character's Strength bonus, and two-handed weapons gain 1.5 times the Strength bonus. The Strength penalty applies to attacks made without the compound bow.)
· Climb, jump, and swim checks. These skills have strength as the key attribute.
· Strength checks (such as breaking doors, etc.).
2. Dexterity (DEXTERITY, DEX)
Dexterity quantifies hand-eye coordination, dexterity, reflexes, and balance. This stat is the most important stat for rogues, but it's useful for characters who typically wear light or medium armor (rangers and barbarians), or no armor (mages and warlocks), and anyone who wants to be a good archer. That being said, agility is also important.
The character's agility modifier will be used to:
Hit rolls for ranged attacks, including bows, crossbows, throwing axes, and other ranged weapons.
Armor Class (AC), which ensures that the character can respond to attacks.
Reflex saves allow you to dodge fireballs and some other attacks by moving quickly.
·Balance, hiding, stealth, lockpicking and rolling checks. These skills have Dexterity as a key attribute.
3. Constitution (CONSTITUTION, CON)
Constitution represents the health and stamina of a character. The Constitution bonus increases a character's hit points, so it's important for all classes.
The character's Constitution modifier will be used to:
·Each Hit Dice roll (but the Constitution penalty can never bring the result below 1, that is, the character gains at least 1 hit point when leveling up).
·Fortitude saving throws against poison and similar threats.
· Concentration check. Concentration is a very important skill for spellcasters, with constitution as the key attribute.
If a person's Constitution score changes enough to change their Constitution modifier, their hit points are increased or decreased accordingly.
4. Intelligence (INTELLIGENCE, INT)
Intelligence determines a character's ability to learn and reason. This stat is very important for mages, as it determines the number of spells mages can cast, how difficult it is to resist their spells, and how powerful the spells are. Also intelligence is important for any character who wants to have multiple skills.
The character's intelligence modifier will be used to:
· Skill points earned per level. (But your character gets at least 1 skill point per level.)
• Checks for disarm, repair, search, etc. These skills use intelligence as the key attribute.
The mage is rewarded with high intelligence for the number of times he casts spells, and the minimum intelligence required is 10+spell level.
Animals have an intelligence value of 1 or 2. Humanoids are at least 3.
5. Perception (WISDOM, WIS)
Perception expresses a character's willpower, common sense, perception, and intuition. Intelligence shows the character's ability to analyze information, while perception is more about the perception and understanding of the surrounding things. Wisdom is the most important stat for Priests, and is also important for Paladins and Rangers. If you want your character to be intuitive, give him a high Perception attribute. Every living thing has sentience.
The character's perception modifiers will be used to:
·Will saving throws (against spells such as charm person)
Healing, Listening, Spotting and other checks. These skills have Perception as a key attribute.
Priests, paladins, and rangers are rewarded with spellcasting times from high perception values, and the minimum required perception value is 10+spell level.
6. Charisma (CHARISMA, CHA)
Charisma expresses a character's strength, persuasiveness, personal appeal, leadership and physical attractiveness. This stat is most important for paladins, warlocks, and bards. It is also important for clerics, as it affects the cleric's ability to repel undead. Any living thing has charm.
The character's Charisma modifier will be used to:
· Deception, Diplomacy, Bidding, Intimidation, Perform, and Use Magic Device checks. These skills have Charisma as a key attribute.
A roll to attempt to influence another's actions
Dispel checks for priests and paladins to dispel zombies, vampires, and other undead creatures.
A sorcerer or bard gains spellcasting bonuses from a high Charisma score, and the minimum required Wisdom score is 10 + the spell level.