Diary of the Death Wizard
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 1056
Douglas' Invitation to Experiment983It Works984Predictive Dream that Reappears985Breeding and Cultivation986Is that You987Not Father988So Good989Not Daughter990Angry991If You Can't Beat It, Join992Leave 1993Equivalent Exchange994Very Insulting995Causes of Amnesia996Experiment Candidates997First Sight of the Insect Queen998The Target Is the Insect Queen999Heavy Precautions1000The Experiment Was a Great Success1001Handover1002Surprised or Not? Surprised or Not?1003The Fifth Goal Is Achieved!1004Contamination Queen1005New Speaker, New Experiment1006Thor, Level Four!1007The Insect Queen Is Born1008I'm Testing You1009Climate Anomaly1010Cause of Outbreak1011Conditions for Resurrection1012Give Him a Wrong Answer1013Showdown1014Test and Improve1015Everyone Is Preparing for War1016Closed Doors and Unexpected Guests1017He Is the Previous Owner1018Accompany Me on the Next Trip to the Abyss1019Into the Abyss1020Abnormal Force Field1021Identity Reversal1022Another Abyss Consciousness1023Changes in Chaos!1024Fight Against1025Borrow Sky City for Use1026Come and Work for Me Obediently1027I Can't Make It Today. Please Take a Day Off.1028A Fish that Slipped Through the Net1029Transform Sky City1030Murderous Heart1031I Am Coming1032