Chapter 2249: Once Achieved
"They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They had seen it before... and traded with it. "It brought it there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without the star." It brought them there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without the star." It brought them there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without the star." It brought them there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without the star." It brought them there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without the star." It brought them there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without the star." It brought them there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They had met before... and traded.
"In fact, it was it that brought these species over there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without the star." It brought them there, so these creatures appeared there..."
"But how did they get there?"
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
"You know they can't reproduce without their star."
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
“In fact, it was it that brought these species there, so
"You know they can't reproduce without a star." It brought them there, so there
" has escaped this limitation."
They have met before... and traded before."
" has escaped this limitation."