Chapter 2440: Hazy Memory
The memory of this creature...where is it?
The Phoenix's body is essentially composed of a large number of tiny particles.
And these tiny particles…are irregular.
The Phoenix has almost no internal organs, and all the particles seem to be randomly pieced together.
The only thing that can be considered an organ is the 'language organ'.
These organs are very small capsules that store a lot of language dust. When the Phoenix needs it, it can sprinkle the dust out. When it lacks dust, it will use larger particles to grind out the language dust.
Even if you randomly swap the positions of any particles in the Phoenix's body, it will not cause any harm to the Phoenix.
This makes the body of the Phoenix look very interesting, because these particles... it doesn't matter where they are, or even what material they are made of. The main function of the Phoenix's body is to carry their true core, the 'condensation of nothingness'.
This wonderful cohesive force controls everything about the Phoenix, such as the shape of its body, grinding most of the matter that the Phoenix eats, generating language dust, making movements, etc. ... all are controlled by this "force".
Without the cohesion of nothingness, the Phoenix would disintegrate in an instant.
The condensation of nothingness is also the true 'essence' of the Phoenix.
However, the body of the Phoenix is also necessary. If the body is crushed or loses too many particles, the condensation of nothingness will also dissipate.
At the same time, the Phoenix's memory is not stored in any structure of its physical body, but is stored in another place.
Obviously, Phoenix's memory is in...'Condensation of Nothingness'.
This cohesion that seems to come out of nowhere should come from some unknown area.
Just like the solidified void and various spaces, the condensation of nothingness may be transmitted from an unknown space, thus producing these phoenixes and whirlwind creatures.
"This may be may be true."
Here we are in a liquid battleship of the Savior of the Void.
Lin's group of fluff balls were staying in a large area of liquid with sea hare-like saviors, looking at... a device in front of them, and several phoenixes inside it.
This "device" itself is also liquid, and its color is similar to the surrounding liquid, so it is difficult to see from the outside, but Lin knows that there is an area with a diameter of 30 meters in front of it where this device is located.
It is called the 'unified point detector', which is mainly used to detect some special energies in the void.
And its detection process...will cause Phoenix to enter a 'trance' state.
When the phoenixes are placed in the area with a diameter of 30 meters in front, they will enter a state similar to "trance".
In this state, the Phoenix will have no ability to think, and if any language dust is thrown at it, it will immediately throw out dust in response.
It can be said that the detection process of this device has...hypnotic power on Phoenix.
I don’t know how the savior suddenly discovered this effect.
Now according to research, Lin discovered that the device would isolate the condensation of nothingness in the Phoenix's body. When they fell into a trance, the cohesion in their body would become weaker.
That is to say, a part of the cohesion is isolated, and this isolated part of the cohesion represents the rational thinking of the Phoenix.
From the perspective of cellular biology, it is like inhibiting some brain functions.
This leaves the Phoenix with only 'instinct reaction', so it will answer any question you ask it.
But what Lin cares about is... why can this device have such an effect?
The Savior told Lin that this device was actually some kind of organ.
This was not something they invented, but something they dug out from some creature in the void.
This creature reacts to some strange phenomena in the void, so the savior thought of using its organs to observe those... strange phenomena
This strange phenomenon occurred in a very far place. Based on its description, Lin felt that it might be the one that Lin had known before...
'Unforeseeable Places'.
To be precise, it is also the 'homeland' of dream creatures.
Because the savior did not stop Lin, Lin could study the details of the device here.
At the same time, Lin was also questioning the phoenixes that were now captured in the device by Lin.
These Phoenixes know more about the gaseous star wars with the whirlwind creatures.
The war between Phoenix and Gas Star is a battle similar to the 'battle for reproductive rights'.
The Phoenix and the Cyclone creatures are originally the same species, but they were "differentiated" for unknown reasons.
The biggest difference between these two creatures is their body structure... The whirlwind creature first condenses a core, and then forms a gravitational vortex around the core.
And the Phoenix is... just a core, without the surrounding gravitational vortex.
Then there is the difference in the place of birth. Whirlwind creatures can be produced throughout the entire galaxy, while Phoenixes... can only be produced near stars.
Phoenixes have no way of leaving stars to produce offspring, and they have been trying to solve this problem.
And at that time...after the Legendary Phoenix attacked the gas star, they later planned to continue destroying the gas star.
However, the main reason why they later only took away the corpse of the legendary phoenix and did not attack the gas star was... the whirlwind creature on the gas star told them.
They communicated with Phoenix... and said they could help Phoenix solve the problem that offspring could only be born near a star.
Phoenix was initially skeptical about this, but the whirlwind creatures showed them the technology in this area.
They successfully created a... phoenix cub in the solidified void.
It wasn't created out of thin air. In fact, the gas star sent out a group of small whirlwind creatures... and then let them collide with each other and dissipate. Finally, the dust left behind turned into the phoenix.
To put it simply, it directly transforms the whirlwind creature into a phoenix.
Phoenix then began to trust the gas giants and stopped attacking them.
The whirlwind creature also taught Phoenix the corresponding techniques.
This technology...mainly involves letting Phoenix create some whirlwind creatures in the galaxy, and then trying to turn these whirlwind creatures into Phoenix.
...To be precise, some substances are used to create whirlwind creatures.
The phoenixes initially did as they were told. They used the methods taught by the whirlwind creatures to create whirlwind creatures in some locations in the void.
But there is no way to turn these whirlwind creatures into phoenixes. It doesn't matter whether you squeeze them together or blow them up directly.
And not all of these whirlwind creatures 'created' by the Phoenix were crushed by the Phoenix. Some of them escaped from the Phoenix's testing grounds and wandered around the galaxy.
The gas star was able to return to normal void again...all thanks to the whirlwind creature created by the Phoenix.