The End of the Paleozoic Era Chapter 1987 Collection Successfully
"Area A has been collected. Area B has been collected. Area C has been collected as well."
The attack... was over very quickly indeed.
Lin and Bilu stayed in... the cage and watched it all end.
Although it seemed to have caused quite a stir, there were no casualties; all the attacks were stopped immediately and the students were only safe.
The research team's goal was achieved, to the students' horror, as they collected a large number of dream creatures.
This creature would appear in the minds of terrified students, but after some investigation, Lin discovered that these dream creatures were not created because of the students' fear.
They are attracted by the students' fear, which seems to be transmitted through the energy in their bodies and attracts these creatures to them.
As for the details, Lin hasn't figured it out yet. In her current state, she can't investigate the dream creatures carefully.
The main purpose of the research team is to collect these creatures. They use weapons similar to lightsabers to stun each terrified student and collect dream creatures in their minds.
When they had collected almost all the information, the college's rescue team finally arrived underground and rescued a large group of unconscious students.
At this time, Lin and Bilu's cages also floated back to the training ground and were then rescued by the rescue team.
The attack... was over very quickly indeed.
Lin and Bilu stayed in... the cage and watched it all end.
Although it seemed to have caused quite a stir, there were no casualties; all the attacks were stopped immediately and the students were only safe.
The research team's goal was achieved, to the students' horror, as they collected a large number of dream creatures.
This creature would appear in the minds of terrified students, but after some investigation, Lin discovered that these dream creatures were not created because of the students' fear.
They are attracted by the students' fear, which seems to be transmitted through the energy in their bodies and attracts these creatures to them.
As for the details, Lin hasn't figured it out yet. In her current state, she can't investigate the dream creatures carefully.
The main purpose of the research team is to collect these creatures. They use weapons similar to lightsabers to stun each terrified student and collect dream creatures in their minds.
When they had collected almost all the information, the college's rescue team finally arrived underground and rescued a large group of unconscious students.
At this time, Lin and Bilu's cages also floated back to the training ground and were then rescued by the rescue team.
The attack... was over very quickly indeed.
Lin and Bilu stayed in... the cage and watched it all end.
Although it seemed to have caused quite a stir, there were no casualties; all the attacks were stopped immediately and the students were only safe.
The research team's goal was achieved, to the students' horror, as they collected a large number of dream creatures.
This creature would appear in the minds of terrified students, but after some investigation, Lin discovered that these dream creatures were not created because of the students' fear.
They are attracted by the students' fear, which seems to be transmitted through the energy in their bodies and attracts these creatures to them.
As for the details, Lin hasn't figured it out yet. In her current state, she can't investigate the dream creatures carefully.
The main purpose of the research team is to collect these creatures. They use weapons similar to lightsabers to stun each terrified student and collect dream creatures in their minds.
When they had collected almost all the information, the college's rescue team finally arrived underground and rescued a large group of unconscious students.
At this time, Lin and Bilu's cages also floated back to the training ground and were rescued by the rescue team. The research team achieved its goal amid the students' horror, and they collected a large number of dream creatures.
This creature would appear in the minds of terrified students, but after some investigation, Lin discovered that these dream creatures were not created because of the students' fear.
They are attracted by the students' fear, which seems to be transmitted through the energy in their bodies and attracts these creatures to them.
As for the details, Lin hasn't figured it out yet. In her current state, she can't investigate the dream creatures carefully.
The main purpose of the research team is to collect these creatures. They use weapons similar to lightsabers to stun each terrified student and collect dream creatures in their minds.
When they had collected almost all the information, the college's rescue team finally arrived underground and rescued a large group of unconscious students.
At this time, Lin and Bilu's cages also floated back to the training ground and were then rescued by the rescue team.
The attack... was over very quickly indeed.
Lin and Bilu stayed in... the cage and watched it all end.
Although it seemed to have caused quite a stir, there were no casualties; all the attacks were stopped immediately and the students were only safe.
The research team's goal was achieved, to the students' horror, as they collected a large number of dream creatures.
This creature would appear in the minds of terrified students, but after some investigation, Lin discovered that these dream creatures were not created because of the students' fear.
They are attracted by the students' fear, which seems to be transmitted through the energy in their bodies and attracts these creatures to them.
As for the details, Lin hasn't figured it out yet. In her current state, she can't investigate the dream creatures carefully.
The main purpose of the research team is to collect these creatures. They use weapons similar to lightsabers to stun each terrified
Although it seemed to have caused quite a stir, there were no casualties; all the attacks were stopped immediately and the students were only safe.
The research team's goal was achieved, to the students' horror, as they collected a large number of dream creatures.
This creature would appear in the minds of terrified students, but after some investigation, Lin discovered that these dream creatures were not created because of the students' fear.
They are attracted by the students' fear, which seems to be transmitted through the energy in their bodies and attracts these creatures to them.
As for the details, Lin hasn't figured it out yet. In her current state, she can't investigate the dream creatures carefully.
The main purpose of the research team is to collect these creatures. They use weapons similar to lightsabers to stun each terrified creature and attract it to them.
As for the details, Lin has not figured it out yet. In this state, it is impossible to investigate the dream creatures carefully.