The End of the Paleozoic Era Chapter 1903: The Realm of God?
"Full speed! Move as fast as you can! Get rid of it!"
It…got away from the situation.
Lin's rock-shaped troops are still in the...prison of the Spike Ship. Here you can see the Spikes passing by discussing some topics, which are about the current situation.
Now, the metal tube they are in is escaping at high speed. According to these spikes, they have started a special engine inside the metal tube.
This engine capability allows the metal tube to enter a special state in which it can move faster than light.
However, they are not ready yet and it will take some time, so they are still moving at a relatively normal speed.
The speed was about 10,000 kilometers per second. The metal pipe moved quickly in the void, and Lin was watching its escape process.
Of course, since the outside environment cannot be seen in prison, Lin mainly observes the situation through the soldiers at the head of Midgard.
Now, the chase in the void continues. The metal pipes of the Spike Fleet are moving at high speed in front of Midgard... and Midgard is closely following behind it.
The distance between the two sides is only a few thousand kilometers, and the speed is almost the same, so... the spikes in the metal tubes are very worried about this.
"Hurry up and start that engine! We still have to wait a while! But we don't have a while!"
Lin was still not sure whether they were the main species here or just a group of...low-level employees.
But they do pay attention to the overall situation, but it seems that they are just paying attention, because they seem to be just chatting here and doing nothing.
However, the speed of the metal tube is indeed increasing.
As the chase continued, the speed of the metal tube began to increase slowly and steadily, increasing by hundreds of kilometers per second with every passing second.
But Midgard will also improve with it, and the speed of improvement is exactly the same, so the distance never changes.
This gave Lin the feeling that the two pipes seemed to be connected together, rather than in a chase.
However, this situation did not last long.
"Success! We did it! Really? Yes, we can get there!"
When the spikes burst into cheers, the entire metal pipe instantly disappeared in front of Midgard.
But in the next nerve, Lin also saw strange changes around Midgard.
The normal starry sky scenery around was distorted at this moment. They were like soft substances that were stretched very long, and it felt like entering a strange space.
At the moment when the scenery became strange, the escaped metal pipe reappeared in front of Midgard.
"It actually managed to chase us here! Unbelievable! How could it chase us to this point! This is impossible! We... can't escape anymore!"
This phenomenon caused surprise to the spikes, and at the same time, their reactions also showed that they seemed to be completely helpless.
The chase was still going on. Despite the unusual scenery, both sides maintained the same distance and speed. This process lasted for hundreds of seconds.
Suddenly, the seemingly stretched scenery around was restored, and everything became like the normal void.
However, the surrounding scenery is no longer the starry sky as before.
The chase just now covered a long distance, but that was not teleportation, but a very high-speed movement.
Originally, the Spikes wanted to start the engine in order to use this high speed to escape, but they didn't expect that Midgard could also use this high speed to follow them closely.
However, because Midgard had only been chasing them and not catching them, they still managed to reach... their destination.
The metal tube with spikes is called the 'God's Tunnel' because it takes them to a place called God's Realm.
Is this... the divine realm?
Under the starry sky ahead, Lin could see an object of... a strange shape.
Actually, there are three objects. They look like three tumblers, each with a diameter of more than a thousand kilometers, which is considered...relatively small.
The distance between these three stars is about 10,000 kilometers, and they just form a triangle.
But the most interesting thing is that between the three worlds, there is a huge structure like... a bridge connecting them.
In the center of the triangle formed by these three worlds, there is a ball of light that looks like a star, but its diameter is only one hundred kilometers, so it looks very small.
Is this the place they call the realm of God? It looks like a structure built by a certain civilization.
"It's there! It's there!" That's exactly how the spikes reacted. After seeing this strange triangular shape, they accelerated and flew forward, while Midgard... seemed to be planning to let it pass.
Because it suddenly stopped moving, Lin watched the metal pipe fly towards one of the three tumblers...
From the outside, the surface there seemed to be covered with green objects. Although Lin's first thought was plants, it was difficult to say what they actually were.
But no matter what, Lin will soon have the chance to see it.
As the metal pipe flew to the surface of the tumbler, Midgard still had no reaction... and the spikes inside were already extremely excited.
"We succeeded! We have reached the realm of God! We can do whatever we want!"
These spikes always expressed some pessimistic views during previous chats, but now there are none of them at all, they are all... in a state of excitement and happiness.
Their excited state lasted for a while, and then the spikes began to move quickly.
Lin didn't know what they were going to do. She just saw them moving back and forth quickly in the corridor, and completely stopped their previous communication.
So Lin wanted to know what they were going to turned out that they had to leave here first.
Thinking of this, Lin looked at the 'Phoenix' next to her.
After being captured, the phoenix has been in a "curled up" state, as if it was resting. It has shrunk its wings and body into a nearly spherical shape.
Lin had tested it before and found that this phoenix was a very strange creature. Lin thought that it might be made up of some...matter inside the stars, but she couldn't be completely sure.
But... Lin felt that as long as she woke it up, she could implement her escape plan.