References Dungeons and Dragons Artifacts Mither Core
Translated from: Dungeons and Dragons Setting Collection "The Lost Empire of Faerun" 3R Edition
Translator: Aikan can transfer from: Odyssey Guild
This magical device looks like a crystal ball, but it is 150 feet in diameter. The sphere emitted a very bright light, as dazzling as looking directly at the sun, and there were some faint shadows wandering on the surface. An ornate pedestal holds this perfectly spherical unit.
Its function is very simple, it transmits the raw energy of the Mystryl magic network to the entire territory, allowing quasi-magic items to be used, which allows Arcanists to create quasi-magic items without consuming constitution points and casting Constancy of magic. This is an important component that allows the city to float, and each floating city territory has at least one Mither energy core,
When a quasi-magical item is within the range of influence of a mythar core, it can use the magical power it was originally instilled in. Outside the range, quasi-magical items cease to function and are nonmagical.
The range of influence of the Misser Nuclear is one mile. Of course, if a territory is more than a mile in diameter, there must be more than one Mither core. In such cities, the overlapping area of effect of two mysserial cores does not double the utility of quasi-magical items.
Touching a Mithr core is fatal. Anyone who touches the device is instantly killed (no saving throw). Anything (even magic items) that touches it, (except the pedestal) is immediately disintegrated. Any undead that comes into contact with the myther core is instantly destroyed.
Dazzling aura, transmutation school; caster level 30th; weight 500 lbs.