Black Dragon Code
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 686
Statement592See You at Last (4)593See You at Last (5)594Odin, Luna and Caesar (1)595Odin, Luna and Caesar (2)596Odin, Luna and Caesar (3)59750 Years (1)59850 Years (2)59950 Years (3)60050 Years (4)601Ask for Leave602Undercurrent (1)603Undercurrent (2)604Dark Tide (3)605Dark Tide (4)606Royal Court Meeting607Fleeing Fleet (1)608Battle of the Beginning (1)609Battle of the Beginning (2)610Battle of the Beginning (3)611Ocean Abyss (1)612Ocean Abyss (2)613Ocean Abyss (3)614Twilight (1)615Twilight (2)616Twilight (3)617Twilight (4)618Twilight (5)619Twilight (6)620Twilight (7)621Lamer622Garen623Lamer624New Generation625Login Start626War (1)627Natolis628Kahn629Stetter630Belan Cavalry631Battle of the Mawson River (1)632Battle of the Mawson River (2)633Battle of the Mawson River (3)634Dragon635Red Dragon636Discuss637Gondwa638Gray Horse639Creatures of Evil Alignment640"Black Emperor"641