Dawn of a New Era
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 869
Precursor749Debate750No Change Today751Sacrifice752Fight Again (1)753Fight Again (2)754Fight Again (End)755New Era (1)756New Era (2)757New Era (3)758Not Out Yet759New Era (4)760Mainly by Hard Work761New Capability Insights762Uh, I Will Update It Before Dinner Tomorrow.763Fear764You Wanna Die765Treaty Port766Calm767Ancestor God768Take the Blame769Space Channel on the Moon770Prepare771Closed Meeting772Only 1 Way7732 Difficult774Awkward775Explanation776Aid Project777Frantic778Protection Fees779Evil Ways780Endless Malice781Demiplane782Project783I Just Want to Study Quietly784: Non-Naturalized Person785The 5th Time to Optimize Meditation and Exercise Oneself (1)786The 5th Time to Optimize Meditation and Exercise Oneself (2)787Tam's Gaze (1)788Tam's Gaze (2)789Make up Tomorrow790Tam's Gaze (Final)791Punching Bag792Found Clues793Tricky794Make up Tomorrow795Unmanned Outer Solar System Space Probe796Weird Eyes797No Shame in Making Money798