Dawn of a New Era
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 869
Goodbye Mystery Man659Hurt Stomach660Mighty Lightning Spear661Sit Down662Avalokitesvara663Fa Temple (1)664Fa Temple (2)665Send6661 Warning667Open Atmosphere668Calvin669Remains670Relics (2)671The Coercion in the Depths of the Forbidden Area672)673)674Prepare for War675Big Picture676I Am Not a Deserter677Thunderstorm678Prelude (1)679Prelude (2)680Cloud Giant681Hope682Got Windy683Cloud Surge684Lord of Lightning (1)685Lord of Lightning (2)686It's Over?687After the War688Goodbye Mystery Man689Hurt Stomach690Mighty Lightning Spear691Sit Down692Avalokitesvara693Fa Temple (1)694Fa Temple (2)695Send6961 Warning697Open Atmosphere698Lure699Letter700Divine Resistance701Prepare702Horror Falls703Destroy704Blood and Fire705Disaster706Meet Wang Shengyuan Again707Miracle708