Elite Mages’ Academy
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 623
Advance to the Top 4583Surprise in the Semifinals584Blood Moon585Trapped in the Tomb586Trapped Tomb (2)587Trapped Tomb (3)588Asabeno's Reappearance589Crazy Plan590Gradually Unraveling Doubts591Despair5921 Day Off593Array Core594Last Resort595The Myth Is Coming Again!596Asabeno's Threat597Negotiation598Enter the Space-Time Channel599Time and Space600Xiao Lin's Madness601Absorb602Soul Split603Gu Xiaoyue's Efforts604Coming Lunar Eclipse605Cut Channel606Night of Upheaval (1)607Xiao Lin's Dream (Part 1)608Xiao Lin's Dream (Part 2)609Own Choice610End of Era611Goodbye Song Joon Lang612To the Kingdom of Will613Aftermath of the Myth614Border Town615Museum616Alexei617Contraband618Substance Inside Glass Beads619Tomb Robbery620Tomb**621Phoenix Robe622Final Chapter (End of the Book)623